T D Jakes Quotes

Text Quotes
If you don’t find a way to love a flawed person, secretly you’re teaching yourself that you are not lovable because of your flaws (T D Jakes Quotes)
There’s something you learn from helping other people with their dreams that prepares you for your own (T D Jakes Quotes)
Contentment comes when you find the people, places, and events in life you were created to impact (T D Jakes Quotes)
Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe (T D Jakes Quotes)
When you were built to be tall, you will endanger your position if you lower your perspective (T D Jakes Quotes)
The pursuit of your life is to come into [your] purpose. And the waste of your life is to miss that purpose (T D Jakes Quotes)
Some of the best people with whom you can have a relationship are the people who challenge your thinking (T D Jakes Quotes)
Either your troubles make you better, or they make you bitter. We must always examine what’s going on in our hearts (T D Jakes Quotes)
Real value isn’t in what you own, drive, wear or live. The greater value is found in love and life, health and strength, friends and family! (T D Jakes Quotes)
The critic is a prisoner to his own experiences and perspectives, erroneously believing his limited experiences are the sum of all truth (T D Jakes Quotes)
If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. You’ll always travel in the direction of your thinking (T D Jakes Quotes)
May the passion to be all that God wants you to be sweep across your soul like a gentle breeze (T D Jakes Quotes)
The dream God gives you guarantees, no matter what it looks like now, when it’s all over, your dream will come to pass (T D Jakes Quotes)
God gives you the resources for success. But it is up to you to recognize them and use them to their fullest (T D Jakes Quotes)
Surround yourself with people whose definition of you is not based on your history, but your destiny (T D Jakes Quotes)
Basic instincts it’s the way mother birds build nests, and build them high enough to elude (T D Jakes Quotes)
Not everyone will be happy when you begin to better yourself. Those who are for you will not just celebrate in your triumphs, but they will also pray with you through your tribulations (T D Jakes Quotes)
We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve (T D Jakes Quotes)
Surround yourself with those who won’t compete but will revel in your success and see your ascent as a reflection of their own possibilities (T D Jakes Quotes)
One of the great healing balms of the Holy Spirit is forgiveness. To forgive is to break the link between you and your past (T D Jakes Quotes)
If someone must be hurt, if it ever becomes necessary to bear pains, weather strong winds, or withstand trials or opposition, let it be adults and not children (T D Jakes Quotes)
Faith is the substance of whatever it is that we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that faith is connected to good works and responsibility (T D Jakes Quotes)
Once you have confidence in your instincts, you must never allow other people’s refusal to believe, or their data to refute, what you instinctively know is true (T D Jakes Quotes)
Face the giants in your life, slay them, and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life (T D Jakes Quotes)
Eagles fly where lesser birds cannot fly, so eagles can do what lesser birds cannot do (T D Jakes Quotes)
When you leave the familiar and enter the unknown, your fear becomes refined by experience and hammered into tools of survival on the anvil of anxiety (T D Jakes Quotes)
It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, our God has a prescription! (T D Jakes Quotes)
No matter where you are in life right now, know this: God put you on this earth to fulfill the promise He has predestined for your life (T D Jakes Quotes)
Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt (T D Jakes Quotes)
When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over (T D Jakes Quotes)