Tabitha Suzuma Quotes
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Text Quotes
I've never seen anyone sleep with their head hanging off the back of a wooden chair before - was the couch not comfortable enough for you? (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
She can't just be a face, a body; there has to be more than that, some kind of connection. And I can't connect, don't want to connect, with anyone (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
The words fire from my mouth like bullets, ricocheting off the walls before I can even register what I'm saying (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
And this is something I must accept - even if, like acid on metal, it is slowly corroding me inside (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
But I don't want to be fine, not if it means she's going to let go of my hand; not if it means we're going to go back to being polite strangers (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
I am overcome by a feeling of complete detachment. I am a mere object to these people. I am barely human any more (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
At what point do you give up - decide enough is enough? There is only one answer really. Never (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
You've always been my best friend, my soul mate, and now I've fallen in love with you too. Why is that such a crime? (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
As the light begins to intensify, so does my misery, and I wonder how it is possible to hurt so much when nothing is wrong (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
and my loneliness, always my loneliness - that airless bubble of despair that is slowing stifling me (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
Out of the millions and millions of people that inhabit this planet, he is one of the tiny few I can never have (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
Because at the end of the day that's what we're all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we're all the same (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
She has already come to terms with one of life's harshest lessons: that the world isn't fair (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
They entered the profession full of hope and vigor, determined to make a difference, to heed Gandhi and be the change they wanted to see in the world (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
I feel like one of those seagulls covered in oil from a spill, drowning in a black tar of fear (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
I don't understand. Why can't she just be like the other teachers? Why does she have to care? (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
Separated by so much more than distance and lifestyle, even their memories of a shared childhood have faded from their minds (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
You cannot undo the past; you can only learn to live with it, find some way of making peace with it, and move on (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
How I wish the sight of her didn't fill me with such unease, twisting my insides, tensing every muscle in my body, setting my pulse thrumming (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
Trying to describe my life and feelings to you is like trying to describe colors to the blind, or music to the deaf. It's simply not possible (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
Within the grand scale of things, sitting in a classroom day after day is so utterly meaningless and pointless that it actually makes his chest hurt to think about it (Tabitha Suzuma Quotes)
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