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Table Quotes

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It matters whether women sit at the table. No one speaks up for you when you are standing outside with your nose pressed up against the glass. You cannot window-shop for power  (Table Quotes) When you’re unemployed for six months or a year, it is hard to qualify for a lease, so even the option of relocating to find a job is often off the table  (Table Quotes) I have but one rule at my table. You may leave your cabbage, but you’ll sit still and behave until I’ve eaten mine  (Table Quotes) If you want something beautiful to put on the dinner table, pick up a sockeye, the salmon species with the most vivid red flesh  (Table Quotes) One of my problems is I am getting so mature that I have to pick up a TV and toss it through the coffee table just to remind people of who I am. I want to go ranting and screaming into the grave  (Table Quotes) My wife, Sharon, and I started with nothing when we got married. I was driving a 1902 Pinto and eating off a card table  (Table Quotes) Negotiations are a euphemism for capitulation if the shadow of power is not cast across the bargaining table  (Table Quotes) The oldest form of theater is the dinner table. It’s got five or six people, new show every night, same players. Good ensemble; the people have worked together a lot  (Table Quotes) Once you’re in charge of your job, your house, your children, getting the food on the table, doing all of this, all of the time, it’d be nice for someone else to be in charge for a bit maybe  (Table Quotes) They had me on the operating table all day. They looked into my stomach, my gall bladder, they examined everything inside of me. Know what they decided? I need glasses  (Table Quotes) But maybe you’re just as glad he’s not a shrink, eh? Awful to have your spouse analyzing your unconscious desires across the dinner table, eh?  (Table Quotes) You are to come to your study as to the table, with a sharp appetite, whereby that which you read may the better digest. He that has no stomach to his book will very hardly thrive upon it  (Table Quotes) It is a religious duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare food in different ways, hygienically, for the table, so that it may be eaten with enjoyment  (Table Quotes) I learned early and at that kitchen table that there are ways of avoiding, without guilt, the commitments of love  (Table Quotes) With wine and food, the confidence of my own table, and the necessity of reassuring my wife, I grew by insensible degrees courageous and secure  (Table Quotes) And I suddenly think, as I look across the table at him, that these are the days as they will be. This is the future as we see it. The swerve and the static. The confidence and the doubt  (Table Quotes) But give me more credit than that. Someone else may have dealt the hand, but I picked it up off the table, I played every card, and I had my reasons  (Table Quotes) But they know about us, they know, the four corners, and the chairs nearby us. Discerning shadows also know, and even the table keeps quiet  (Table Quotes) Because when I looked at you across that table at the diner, no one else existed. And whether or not anything happens between you and me, it took meeting you to show me what I was missing  (Table Quotes) In general, I think, human beings are happiest at table when they are very young, very much in love or very alone  (Table Quotes) Probably no strychnine has sent as many husbands into their graves as mealtime scolding has, and nothing has driven more men into the arms of other women as the sound of a shrill whine at table  (Table Quotes) If we want to make meetings productive, we need to keep track of those whose requests are on the table  (Table Quotes) And one thing we want during this war on terror is for people to feel like their life’s moving on, that they’re able to make a living and send their kids to college and put more money on the table  (Table Quotes) Wars are fought on objectives, not on timetable, and that’s why I’ve been so insistent upon not allowing ourselves to have policy driven by time table, but by objective  (Table Quotes) Capitalism, though it may not always give the scientific worker a living wage, will always protect him, as being one of the geese which produce golden eggs for its table  (Table Quotes) If they respect the craft and what we’re doing and they bring something to the table and they work hard, I don’t care what you do as your side job or as your day job  (Table Quotes) Their life is about getting enough money to put food on the table to feed their children, and that’s it  (Table Quotes) There are a tremendous amount of environmental issues that are on the table  (Table Quotes) Women oftentimes are the ones making those economic decisions, sitting around the kitchen table and trying to figure out how to pay for rising gas prices or food prices or the health insurance costs  (Table Quotes) But let me tell you, this gender thing is history. You’re looking at a guy who sat down with Margaret Thatcher across the table and talked about serious issues  (Table Quotes)
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