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Table Quotes

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Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before  (Table Quotes) The house was immaculate, as always, not a stray hair anywhere, not a flake of dandruff or a crumpled towel. Even the roses on the dining-room table held their breath. A kind of airless cleanliness that always made me want to sneeze  (Table Quotes) Real winning and losing all takes place at the meditation table. This is where the battles are. Winning is stopping thought. Losing is sitting there and being subjected to all kinds of ridiculous thoughts  (Table Quotes) Politics is not really different from marriage. You cannot get things done in your relationship if you tell your wife: Look, if you haven’t made the bed and if you don’t get the food on the table, I will go and just hire someone and you will become irrelevant. That is not how you make a marriage work  (Table Quotes) My wife and I replaced our nest with one on wheels. The RV became our new home. It’s remarkable how homey it became and how quickly. It’s obviously very condensed, and we do travel light, but when you think about what you really need, we have the basics - a bed, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a table to sit at to eat and write  (Table Quotes) In the French culture, they talk politics. I didn’t find it was part of our culture to have political arguments at the table. My husband’s family will get into major politics, and it’s not an aggressive thing. It’s so interesting and you learn so much, whether it’s Right or Left, and that to me has been really great  (Table Quotes) People get this very romantic vision of a fashion designer who in one night makes 25 sketches and in the morning throws them on the table and there are a lot of women in white aprons with the pins on the lapel and they start to grab the sketches and... It’s not like that  (Table Quotes) Taking care of our families isn’t just about putting food on the table today. It’s about ensuring that our children and grandchildren will have a habitable world where they can get to know various species of sea turtles  (Table Quotes) When I was a boy, I read a terrible article in a big weekly American magazine called the ‘Saturday Evening Post.’ In the middle of this family magazine on my parent’s coffee table was an article about this family that was camping, and they were all mauled by a grizzly bear in their sleeping bags  (Table Quotes) I have two kids who were like me, we get out of bed feeling good, and the other two would sit at the breakfast table and grumble. I think it’s born into us. I usually wake up feeling pretty good. Looking forward to the day  (Table Quotes) Women are storytellers, they are communicators. They’ll go and sit around a table and talk about their first date, their first smoke, their first lipstick, whatever it is. Those rituals of life, marriages and death aren’t part of the language of men  (Table Quotes) If you memorize the periodic table it will speed you up if you’re a chemist, but by and large, the reason you have a periodic table is so that you can store that information outside of your body. That way it frees up some part of your brain to do something else  (Table Quotes) When you question a man’s motives, when you say they are acting out of greed, they are in the pocket of an interest group, et cetera. It’s awful hard to reach consensus. It’s awful hard to reach across the table and shake hands. No matter how bitterly you disagree, though, it is always possible if you question judgment and not motive  (Table Quotes) You’ve got to invite Native Americans to the table, and Asians, and Chicanos. You cannot keep us in the back room anymore and give us notations on paper saying this is what you deserve. You have to invite us to the table because America is ours, too  (Table Quotes) Let’s be honest, the cards’ on the table: Jealousy’s a sin, Cain killed Abel. Backstabber...Caesar had Brutus. It’s hard to weed ‘em out, even Jesus had Judas  (Table Quotes) I felt a sense of fulfillment that an action plan, which I’d laid on the table on the 2nd of February 1990, had been fulfilled, had been properly implemented within the time frame which I envisaged  (Table Quotes) I’m the man who sits behind a table and tells true stories from his life. I’m also an actor. I was trained as an actor at Emerson College, and I use that training to play myself.  (Table Quotes) I’ve been a public person for most of my life. It has advantages and disadvantages. I can’t take my kids to Disneyland. On the other hand, I can get a table at a restaurant or tickets to a play.  (Table Quotes) If players are performing for you, their age shouldn’t really matter, especially because the older players can bring their experience to the table.  (Table Quotes) At the Last Supper how come no one sat on the other side of the table? See, I think originally there were people sitting on the other side but those were the people going, You know, the air conditioning hits me right on the back on the neck.  (Table Quotes) Finnegans Wake,’ ‘Alice and Wonderland’ and ‘Through the Looking Glass’ live on my bedside table back home in London.  (Table Quotes) On the morning of Thanksgiving, I would wake up to the home smelling of all good things, wafting upstairs to my room. I would set the table with the fancy silverware and china and hope that my parents and grandmother wouldn’t have the annual Thanksgiving fight about Richard Nixon.  (Table Quotes) One’s need for loneliness is not satisfied if one sits at a table alone. There must be empty chairs as well.  (Table Quotes) I sleep with my gun on my bedside table. I live alone; it is my protection and makes me feel safer. I have had to pull it out a few times when I have heard noises at night, but I’ve never had to use it.  (Table Quotes) Russia - having sat across the table from Vladimir Putin, it’s pretty clear when you meet him that he has an almost limitless ambition for power. And he’s been very good at acquiring it - political power, economic power, military power, territorial power.  (Table Quotes) I agree with the president [Barack Obama]. I’ve said myself, we will not send American combat troops back to either Syria or Iraq - that is off the table.  (Table Quotes) Don’t get fancy. Have you cooked an apple pie? You don’t know what you did wrong? Do this: Take two or three apples. Put them on a table. Study them.  (Table Quotes) When I am at a dinner table, I love to ask everybody, ‘How long do you think our species might last?’ I’ve read that the average age of a species, of any species, is about two million years. Is it possible we can have an average life span as a species? And do you picture us two million years more or a million and a half years, or 5,000?  (Table Quotes) Books should stand on their own feet ... If they need shoring up by a preface here, an introduction there, they have no more right to exist than a table that needs a wad of paper under one leg in order to stand steady.  (Table Quotes) I beat my sons in real-life table tennis, but virtually, I get murdered. I download games on the iPhone that I’m addicted to - I’m a master at Angry Birds.  (Table Quotes)
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