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Takeaway Quotes

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Yes. There is a wider range of takeaway food. That’s it  (Takeaway Quotes) The takeaway here is worth repeating: Getting the team right is the necessary precursor to getting the ideas right  (Takeaway Quotes) Here is my biggest takeaway after 60 years on the planet: There is great value in being fearless. For too much of my life, I was too afraid, too frightened by it all. That fear is one of my biggest regrets  (Takeaway Quotes) That’s my takeaway from ‘Scream’ - I know I can fit in dog doors. You have to jimmy your body in a certain position and really hope you’re not wearing something super fancy  (Takeaway Quotes) It’s very difficult to consistently hit good iron shots if you get off to a bad start. That’s why I’m always paying attention to my setup and takeaway.  (Takeaway Quotes) As I went between the Islamic Society in my college and university, the mosque, the halal takeaway, and visited the homes of my male Muslim friends, it was entirely possible for me to get through my day without interacting in any meaningful way with a single non-Muslim.  (Takeaway Quotes)