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Every American bride is taken there [Niagara Falls], and the sight of the stupendous waterfall must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments in American married life (Taken Quotes)
Just about this time, when in imagination I was so great a warrior, I had good use in real life for more strength, as I was no longer taken to school by the nurse, but instead had myself to protect my brother, two years my junior (Taken Quotes)
The old interests of aristocracy, the romance of action, the exalted passions of chivalry and war faded into the background, and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization (Taken Quotes)
To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics (Taken Quotes)
Poverty breeds wealth; and wealth in it's turn breeds poverty. The Earth, to form the mould, is taken out of the ditch; and whatever may be the height of the one will be the depth of the other (Taken Quotes)
Being points beyond itself. Accustomed to think in terms of space, the expression being points beyond itself may be taken to denote a higher point in space. What is meant, however, is a higher category than being: the power of maintaining being (Taken Quotes)
That's a wonderful change that's taken place, and so most poetry today is published, if not directly by the person, certainly by the enterprise of the poet himself, working with his friends (Taken Quotes)
Like everybody in show business, you think you're going to wake up one day, and it's all going to be taken away from you. I think we all share an insecurity in that way, everybody in show business - the ones I talk to, anyway (Taken Quotes)
Talent is a gift that can be given, and it can be taken away. We have to appreciate that (Taken Quotes)
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry (Taken Quotes)
It is very sad for a man to make himself servant to a single thing; his manhood all taken out of him by the hydraulic pressure of excessive business (Taken Quotes)
I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them (Taken Quotes)
But all sorts of things and weather must be taken in together to make up a year, and a sphere (Taken Quotes)
No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken (Taken Quotes)
When the man is at home, his standing in society is well known and quietly taken; but when he is abroad, it is problematical, and is dependent on the success of his manners (Taken Quotes)
For me, already being part of a single parent household and knowing it was just me and my mom, you'd would wake up times and hope that the next day you'd be able to be alongside your mother because she was out trying to make sure that I was taken care of. But all I cared about was her being home (Taken Quotes)
The human body is a magazine of inventions, the patent office, where are the models from which every hint is taken. All the tools and engines on Earth are only extensions of it's limbs and senses (Taken Quotes)
America is a country ready to be taken, in fact, longing to be taken by political leaders ready to restore democracy and trust to the political process (Taken Quotes)
By striving to do the impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. Those who have cautiously done no more than they believed possible have never taken a single step forward (Taken Quotes)
The advantage of the internet is that it has taken away the charade of politics. China has heard of democracy and people know about certain concepts they wouldn't have previously (Taken Quotes)
There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures (Taken Quotes)
I love vampire stories. That's why I did the movie. Women especially were taken with that movie - even more so when it came out on video (Taken Quotes)
Political Economy, in truth, has never pretended to give advice to mankind with no lights but it's own; though people who knew nothing but political economy (and therefore knew it ill) have taken upon themselves to advise, and could only do so by such lights as they had (Taken Quotes)
The cause, then, philosophically speaking, is the sum total of the conditions, positive and negative, taken together; the whole of the contingencies of every description, which being realized, the consequent invariably follows (Taken Quotes)
These are the days when men of all social disciplines and all political faiths seek the comfortable and the accepted; when the man of controversy is looked upon as a disturbing influence; when originality is taken to be a mark of instability; and when, in minor modification of the original parable, the bland lead the bland (Taken Quotes)
I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through (Taken Quotes)
I was taken around and shown things as a useful idiot... That's what my role was … I can't understand why I was so gullible (Taken Quotes)
Growing up, I always loved Disney movies, but the first movie I remember seeing is 'Sleepers,' so I wasn't really taken to children's movies (Taken Quotes)
What I think a psychic is, unfortunately, I think in this day and age, it's taken on sort of a rancid sound (Taken Quotes)
Iife/personality must be taken as a total entity. All of your life is all of your life, and no one incident stands alone (Taken Quotes)