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It takes courage to begin something, but it can take even more to end it  (Takes Quotes) It takes a lot of physical and spiritual energy to balance on one wheel. Seen?  (Takes Quotes) It takes 500 small details to add up to one favorable impression  (Takes Quotes) Whatever it takes to break your heart and wake you up is grace  (Takes Quotes) Anyone can notice wrong answers. It takes the creative person to notice the wrong questions  (Takes Quotes) If you have a dream, chase it no matter what it takes  (Takes Quotes) It takes me 10 minutes to get ready to go out, and that includes the shower  (Takes Quotes) You have to just go with your imagination, where your instinct takes you  (Takes Quotes) It takes a lot of effort to make a building look effortless  (Takes Quotes) No communication takes place until the other person feels heard  (Takes Quotes) It takes discipline not to let social media steal your time  (Takes Quotes) It takes a great man to make a great listener  (Takes Quotes) It takes two to know one  (Takes Quotes) Fashion can be bought by anybody; style takes discernment, it has to do with individuality  (Takes Quotes) At last someone takes me seriously  (Takes Quotes) Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination  (Takes Quotes) You measure a person by what it takes to discourage them  (Takes Quotes) Ideas are easy. Execution is everything. It takes a team to win  (Takes Quotes) Sometimes it takes great suffering to pierce the soul and open it up to greatness  (Takes Quotes) Never break or fold, that’s what it takes to be major  (Takes Quotes) God sometimes takes us into troubles waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us  (Takes Quotes) Sleeping like an internet person takes commitment, it all starts in the late afternoon  (Takes Quotes) Trust me, it takes talent to converse with a cat  (Takes Quotes) For good people to do evil things, it takes religion  (Takes Quotes) It takes few words to tell the truth  (Takes Quotes) It takes a lot of mulch, love does, to create a froth  (Takes Quotes) Installing a new offense is harder than a new defense. It just takes time  (Takes Quotes) It takes about two and a half percent growth just to keep unemployment stable  (Takes Quotes) The way brainwashing works is subtle and takes a long time  (Takes Quotes) Once you have to start counting calories, it takes away from the joy of eating  (Takes Quotes)
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