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Takes Quotes

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Killing isn’t free. It takes something out of you every time you do it. You get their life; they get a piece of your soul. It’s always a trade  (Takes Quotes) I can concede that the government has no knowledge of the people, but I believe the people know less of the government. There are useless officials, evil, if you like, but there are also good ones, and these are not able to accomplish anything because they encounter an inert mass, the population that takes little part in matters that concern them  (Takes Quotes) How was I to know that I’d be ok? I thought I’d lose it all when you walked away. How was I to know that I’d be this strong? I had what it takes all along. How was I to know?  (Takes Quotes) Sometimes superheroes are born, sometimes they are made. Sometimes they make themselves. Sometimes all it takes is will  (Takes Quotes) It takes a person of great care and insight to watch for any abnormality in the green grass even while it grows abundantly and healthily  (Takes Quotes) There’s one good thing about getting in trouble: It seems like you do it in steps. It seems like you don’t just end up in trouble but that you kind of ease yourself into it. It also seems like the worse the trouble is that you get into, the more steps it takes to get there. Sort of like you’re getting a bunch of little warnings on the way; sort of like if you really wanted to you could turn around  (Takes Quotes) Death is not an evil, because it frees us from all evils, and while it takes away good things, it takes away also the desire for them. Old age is the supreme evil, because it deprives us of all pleasures, leaving us only the appetite for them, and it brings with it all sufferings. Nevertheless, we fear death, and we desire old age  (Takes Quotes) When people see you’re happy doing what you’re doing, it sort of takes the power away from them to tease you about it  (Takes Quotes) Five is for five heartbeats, the length of time it takes to breathe in or out. For that is how quickly a life may change, for better or for ill. The time it takes to make up, or change, your mind  (Takes Quotes) Everybody takes what they life from the teachings of the church, and ignores the parts that don’t suit them  (Takes Quotes) Civilization is very fragile, all it takes is a few decades of chaos for us to forget humanity and turn into animals. Our base natures can take over very fast. We can forget that we are sentient beings, with laws and codes and ethics  (Takes Quotes) If you haven’t been in a war and are wondering how long it takes to get used to losing everything you think you need or love, I can tell you the answer is no time at all  (Takes Quotes) Peace is only possible when one of the warring sides takes the first step, the hazardous initiative, the risk of opening up dialogue, and decides to make the gesture that will lead not only to an armistice but to peace  (Takes Quotes) The odd thing about recurring dreams is that, no matter how many times you dream the same thing, it always takes you by surprise  (Takes Quotes) No one blames a pilot who takes refuge in port when the storm begins to blow. It is not cowardice to duck under a bullet; what is wrong is to defy it only to fall and never rise again  (Takes Quotes) Get used to it. Life doesn’t give, it takes. Anything worth having is worth fighting for  (Takes Quotes) The time it takes to feel better about a breakup is directly proportional to the time it takes to feel better about yourself  (Takes Quotes) I realized a long time ago, with a certain amazement, that no mattter how important something is in your life, no matter how huge it is, how much space it takes up in your heart and in your thoughts, unless you mention it to other people, they have no idea it exists  (Takes Quotes) Time again for the waltz of smiles. Amazing how you sometimes make resolutions, tell yourself everything will be a certain way from now on, and then all it takes is a tiny movement of the lips to shatter your confidence in a certainty that seemed eternal  (Takes Quotes) The intelligent poor individual was a much finer observer than the intelligent rich one. The poor individual looks around him at every step, listens suspiciously to every word he hears from the people he meets; thus, every step he takes presents a problem, a task, for his thoughts and feelings. He is alert and sensitive, he is experienced, his soul has been burned  (Takes Quotes) When a man takes a woman for granted, he still looks for reassurance that she is still right there  (Takes Quotes) Now, I know from experience that the trouble with one lie is that it usually takes more lies to cover it up. And if you don’t watch out, you wind up telling lies to cover up the lies that are covering up the original lie  (Takes Quotes) If all it takes is an angry stranger to ruin your day, what are you going to do if something really serious happens? Why give someone else control of your life like that?  (Takes Quotes) Why do you keep reading a book? Usually to find out what happens. Why do you give up and stop reading it? There may be lots of reasons. But often the answer is you don’t care what happens. So what makes the difference between caring and not caring? The author’s cruelty. And the reader’s sympathy... it takes a mean author to write a good story  (Takes Quotes) I know that love is about power, too. Who gives, who takes. Who is willing to risk showing their true self  (Takes Quotes) Neel takes a sharp breath and I know exactly what it means. It means: I have waited my whole life to walk through a secret passage built into a bookshelf  (Takes Quotes) There is only one difference between a bad economist and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; the good economist takes into account both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen  (Takes Quotes) Now and then in life, love catches you unawares, illuminating the dark corners of your mind, and filling them with radiance. Once in awhile you are faced with a beauty and a joy that takes your soul, all unprepared, by assault  (Takes Quotes) I think all it really takes for different people to get along is a common rooting interest and a few beers  (Takes Quotes) Hopeless emptiness. Now you’ve said it. Plenty of people are onto the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness  (Takes Quotes)
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