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Takes Quotes

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Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort  (Takes Quotes) It takes the same energy to think small as it does to think big. So dream big and think bigger  (Takes Quotes) Since there is no place large enough to contain so much happiness, you shrug, you raise your hands, and it flows out of you into everything you touch. You are not responsible. You take no credit, as the night sky takes no credit for the moon, but continues to hold it, and share it, and in that way, be known  (Takes Quotes) To change, it takes a decision based on faith, faith takes forgetting everything you thought you knew  (Takes Quotes) The fact that grief takes so long to resolve is not a sign of inadequacy, but betokens depth of soul  (Takes Quotes) Sometimes it’s boring because it takes time, but it’s enjoyable. So beating up people for a living is really fun  (Takes Quotes) The worst kind of censorship is the kind that takes place in your own mind before you sit down to a typewriter  (Takes Quotes) You wanted to become a doctor to help people and feel better at the end of your job, I think, watching them, as the nurse takes my hand. But I don’t think you do feel better at the end of the day. You look like humans have constantly disappointed you  (Takes Quotes) In the school of boxing that I come from, that’s frowned upon, giving up free shots, cos we know what those kinda shots do to a man’s career, regardless of whether it shows up now, or shows up when you least need it. It takes a toll  (Takes Quotes) I think he takes a good shot, I take a good shot too, but taking too many shots is not good for any fighter. And it’s not really a reputation you want  (Takes Quotes) You have to chase your dreams, no matter what. The impossible just takes a little longer. One stroke at a time, one step at a time, the impossible is easy to achieve  (Takes Quotes) Food was celebration, conversation, and nourishment. The table is where the big decisions of the family are made and all the arguing takes place  (Takes Quotes) It takes us long to learn that prayer is more important than organization, more powerful than armies, more influential than wealth and mightier than all learning  (Takes Quotes) Forever is not a word... rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there  (Takes Quotes) Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Don’t make yourself a victim of yourself!  (Takes Quotes) When you begin to give value to the world, somehow the people you affect will find a way to tell you. Even if it takes a couple of years  (Takes Quotes) I’m always good for starting a bit of a tune and the first verse, but after that I just can never go anywhere. It takes me years, that’s why I’m so slow  (Takes Quotes) The artist takes in the world, but instead of being oppressed by it, he reworks it in his own personality and recreates it in the work of art  (Takes Quotes) When a man takes an oath... he’s holding his own self in his own hands. Like water  (Takes Quotes) Style is a continuum. Style never changes. It’s a straight line. It’s a refinement of the same vocabulary. Style takes you from day to evening, season to season  (Takes Quotes) The only reward the musician receives is music: The privilege of standing in the presence of music when it leans over and takes unto its confidence. As it is for the audience. In this moment everything else is irrelevant and without power. For those in music, this is the moment when life becomes unreal  (Takes Quotes) There comes a moment when it is no longer you who takes the photograph, but receives the way to do it quite naturally and fully  (Takes Quotes) One thing I’ve learned from my short time trying to be a farmer is that our farmers have to be the bravest, most optimistic people in the world. To go back to the land year after year, after what nature throws at them and the world economy does to their income, takes a special kind of person  (Takes Quotes) There is life in a stone. Any stone that sits in a field or lies on a beach takes on the memory of that place. You can feel that stones have witnessed so many things  (Takes Quotes) Just as it takes work to be in a relationship, so it takes work to not be in a relationship  (Takes Quotes) You need a civil society... Bushfires can achieve the change from society to community. Bushfires can. Floods can. Ghastly crimes and disasters can. Places can change... but it takes blood, sweat and tears  (Takes Quotes) If you tell people that they have what it takes to succeed, they’ll prove you right  (Takes Quotes) I almost always write everything the way it comes out, except I tend much more to take things out rather than put things in. It’s out of a desire to really show what’s going on at all times, how things smell and look, as well as from the knowledge that I don’t want to push things too quickly through to climax; if I do, it won’t mean anything. Everything has to be earned, and it takes a lot of work to earn  (Takes Quotes) I just want to say that dreams do come true. Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Sometimes it just takes a little bit longer for some of us  (Takes Quotes) The idea that sex is something a woman gives a man, and she loses something when she does that, which again for me is nonsense. I want us to raise girls differently where boys and girls start to see sexuality as something that they own, rather than something that a boy takes from a girl  (Takes Quotes)
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