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It does not escape me that I am blessed to be included in this tale of a billion human conflicts and singular resolution  (Tale Quotes) Newton, of course, was the inventor of differential calculus so his place in the tale is quite special  (Tale Quotes) This is a simple story of a battle; such a tale as may be told by a soldier who is no writer to a reader who is no soldier  (Tale Quotes) What kind of stupid tale is that, when we just have to look at each other to know it isn’t true? It has problems, I admit  (Tale Quotes) When you bite off more than you can chew, you pay the penalty, somebody’s got to tell the tale, I guess it must be up to me  (Tale Quotes) It is only a plain tale of plain people told in the plain dialect of a plain old woman  (Tale Quotes) Let my inspiration flow, in token lines suggesting rhythm, that will not forsake me, till my tale is told and done  (Tale Quotes) The ungentle laws and customs touched upon in this tale are historical, and the episodes which are used to illustrate them are also historical  (Tale Quotes) To know, to esteem, to love, and then to part, makes up life’s tale to many a feeling heart  (Tale Quotes) This world of ours has been constructed like a superbly written novel: we pursue the tale with avidity, hoping to discover the plot  (Tale Quotes) The waiting tears stood ready for command, and now they flow to varnish the false tale  (Tale Quotes) Has my tale turned you speechless? Come, curse me or kiss me or call me a liar. Something  (Tale Quotes) I have no time to explain now. It is a thrilling tale, I wish to do it justice  (Tale Quotes) Take the tale in your teeth, then, and bite till the blood runs, hoping it’s not poison  (Tale Quotes) Everything is for sale in Hollywood; the fairy tale, the costume, the pumpkin, the footman and the mice  (Tale Quotes) No matter what you write, you actually can’t help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way  (Tale Quotes) Some of the evil of my tale may have been inherent in our circumstances. For years we lived anyhow with one another in the naked desert, under the indifferent heaven  (Tale Quotes) Contrary to what many may think, immortality is not a fairy tale invented to compensate for an unhappy life  (Tale Quotes) As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. I wish you all very good lives  (Tale Quotes) The more truly we can see life as a fairytale, the more clearly the tale resolves itself into war with the dragon who is wasting fairyland  (Tale Quotes) Ay me! for aught that ever I could read, could ever hear by tale or history, the course of true love never did run smooth  (Tale Quotes) The explorer who will not come back or send back his ships to tell his tale is not an explorer, only an adventurer; and his sons are born in exile  (Tale Quotes) Each of us embodies, in a particular tale and clothed in the garments of time and place, universal truth and everlasting life  (Tale Quotes) If I could read your mind, what a tale your thoughts could tell. Just like a paperback novel, the kind that drugstores sell  (Tale Quotes) Always remember, me dear, whether you’re listening to a tale or telling one: Every penny piece that’s struck has two sides to it  (Tale Quotes) Poe was such a tragic and brilliant figure; he’s somebody whom I’ve been somewhat obsessed with my whole life. I first read ‘the Tell - Tale Heart’ at age four  (Tale Quotes) I have definitely gone through my ups and downs and faced my adversity and my nay-sayers, but managed to do all right. It is a pretty classic tale  (Tale Quotes) Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace  (Tale Quotes) Great deeds give choice of many tales. Choose a slight tale, enrich it large, and then let wise men liste  (Tale Quotes) I should be very willing to redress men wrongs, and rather check than punish crimes, had not Cervantes, in that all too true tale of Quixote, shown how all such efforts fail  (Tale Quotes)
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