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Tale Quotes

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An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told  (Tale Quotes) Life is as tedious as twice-told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man  (Tale Quotes) Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers  (Tale Quotes) Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale  (Tale Quotes) I will a round unvarnished tale deliver  (Tale Quotes) He who always prefaces his tale with laughter is poised between impertinence and folly  (Tale Quotes) Trust the tale, not the teller  (Tale Quotes) To me, a fairy tale seems to have become reality  (Tale Quotes) Who tells a finer tale than any of us. Silence does  (Tale Quotes) A woman and a mouse, they carry a tale wherever they go  (Tale Quotes) The eyes are the pioneers that first announce the soft tale of love  (Tale Quotes) My tale doesn’t end there, for the end has yet to be written  (Tale Quotes) Sing your song. Dance your dance. Tell your tale  (Tale Quotes) For the spell is older than experience. For the tale is older than the record  (Tale Quotes) Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders  (Tale Quotes) The idea of my life as a fairy tale is itself a fairy tale  (Tale Quotes) Life is a fairy tale. Live it with wonder and amazement  (Tale Quotes) Evolution is a fairy tale for adults  (Tale Quotes) Why can’t love be a fairy tale?  (Tale Quotes) I want to believe in the fairy tale  (Tale Quotes) Make a fairy tale and go and live in it  (Tale Quotes) History is nothing if not an epic tale of missed opportunities  (Tale Quotes) Actually everybody has a story, a fairy tale in their heart that they adhere to  (Tale Quotes) The biggest fairy tale is that justice works because it doesn’t  (Tale Quotes) The wordy tale, once told, were hard to tell again  (Tale Quotes) A false tale often betrays itself  (Tale Quotes) Every tale is not to be believed  (Tale Quotes) It is not a bad thing in a tale that you understand only half of it  (Tale Quotes) Nobody has any conscience about adding to the improbabilities of a marvelous tale  (Tale Quotes) Two forces create eternity – a fairy tale and a dream from the fairy tale  (Tale Quotes)
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