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Tale Quotes

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And I thought, when I have kids, that’s the sort of well told, silly, and fun fairy tale that I would want to take them to. But it was an amazing experience. And I think Shrek is a real classic, a fairy tale classic  (Tale Quotes) It could have been like a fairy tale. But fairy tales aren’t real. Things don’t work like that. There’s a price for everything  (Tale Quotes) His heart danced upon her movements like a cork upon a tide. He heard what her eyes said to him from beneath their cowl and knew that in some dim past, whether in life or revery, he had heard their tale before  (Tale Quotes) With their hands clasped like children in a fairy tale, she fell asleep beside him in the dark  (Tale Quotes) Our tree became the talking tree of the fairy tale; legends and stories nestled like birds in its branches  (Tale Quotes) That’s the fairy tale. You meet, you fall in love, you kiss, and neither of you is revolted by it. You get married and have kids and live happily ever after  (Tale Quotes) I tell you this as a cautionary tale: beware of getting what you want. It’s bound to disappoint you  (Tale Quotes) There were hundreds of them spread across the floor, each telling its own tale of triumph or sadness, each letter representing a phase in her life. She had kept them all  (Tale Quotes) You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone’s soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift  (Tale Quotes) I am not a storyteller... not like the others. I only have one tale to tell  (Tale Quotes) A drop of poison on that gathering snow. That moment in the fairy tale when we know what just happened but the princess doesn’t  (Tale Quotes) He was the most ordinary man in all the world, and yet in her memory he’d become luminous, like the prince in a fairy tale  (Tale Quotes) They were still all beautiful and there was still enchantment and wonder, but she had crossed a line and now the fairy tale was green with corruption and evil  (Tale Quotes) I’m a romantic and I kinda believed in this fairy tale. And in some ways I think that’s always been to my advantage, because like if you can believe in something great, I feel like you can achieve something great  (Tale Quotes) The fairy tale is in a perpetual state of becoming and alteration. To keep to one version or one translation alone is to put robin redbreast in a cage  (Tale Quotes) I cannot tell how the truth may be; I say the tale as it was said to me  (Tale Quotes) Just as with the man in the fairy tale who turned whatever he touched into gold, with me everything is turned into newspaper clamor  (Tale Quotes) Its good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing  (Tale Quotes) Yesterday is gone and took away its tale. Today we must live a fresh story again  (Tale Quotes) It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters  (Tale Quotes) A fairy tale is the kind of story in which one king goes to another king to borrow a cup of sugar  (Tale Quotes) The wider the author’s arsenal of tools and the better technically equipped the storyteller is, the better the tale will be  (Tale Quotes) One describes a tale best by telling the tale. You see? The way one describes a story, to oneself or to the world, is by telling the story. It is a balancing act and it is a dream. The more accurate the map, the more it resembles the territory. The most accurate map possible would be the territory, and thus would be perfectly accurate and perfectly useless. The tale is the map that is the territory. You must remember this  (Tale Quotes) I keep thinking about a tale my nurse used to read to me about a bird whose wings are pinned to the ground. In the end, when he finally frees himself, he flies so high he becomes a star. My nurse said the story was about how we all have something that keeps us down  (Tale Quotes) Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any story springs. The threads can always be traced back to some earlier tale, and the tales that preceded that; though as the narrator’s voice recedes the connections will seem to grow more tenuous, for each age will want the tale told as if it were of its own making  (Tale Quotes) Fiction allows us to slide into these other heads, these other places, and look out through other eyes. And then in the tale we stop before we die, or we die vicariously and unharmed, and in the world beyond the tale we turn the page or close the book, and we resume our lives  (Tale Quotes) Cassandra always hid when she read, though she never quite knew why. It was as if she couldn’t shake the guilty suspicion that she was being lazy, that surrendering herself so completely to something so enjoyable must surely be wrong. But surrender she did. Let herself drop through the rabbit hole and into a tale of magic and mystery  (Tale Quotes) Very often, I confess, the teller of dreams bores me. His dream could perhaps interest me if it were frankly worked on. But to hear a glorious tale of his insanity! I have not yet clarified, psychoanalytically, this boredom during the recital of other people’s dreams. Perhaps I have retained the stiffness of a rationalist. I do not follow the tale of justified incoherence docilely. I always suspect that part of the stupidities being recounted are invented  (Tale Quotes) He has not yet become an elder statesman, though his foreign policy credentials are considerable, but he is certainly our ancient mariner, forever tugging at our sleeve to let him tell his tale of what really happened  (Tale Quotes) Anyone who intends to present a new story must approach the problem in a new way and speak so persuasively that the tale brings pleasure to people  (Tale Quotes)
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