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Talent Quotes

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I’m a great believer in the character of the club. To me, character has a lot to do with how you compete. That creates urgency and toughness. That elevates the talent that you have  (Talent Quotes) Jazz is not the kind of music you are going to learn to play in three or four years or that you can just get because you have some talent for music  (Talent Quotes) Many, many times, the kids with the less talent become the better athletes because they’re more dedicated to achieving their full potential  (Talent Quotes) A novel takes the courage of a marathon runner, and as long as you have to run, you might as well be a winning marathon runner. Serendipity and blind faith faith in yourself won’t hurt a thing. All the bastards in the world will snicker and sneer because they haven’t the talent to zip up their flies by themselves. To hell with them, particularly the critics. Stand in there, son, no matter how badly you are battered and hurt  (Talent Quotes) Obviously, where art has it over life is in the matter of editing. Life can be seen to suffer from a drastic lack of editing. It stops too quick, or else it goes on too long. Worse, its pacing is erratic. Some chapters are little more than a few sentences in length, while others stretch into volumes. Life, for all its raw talent, has little sense of structure. It creates amazing textures, but it can’t be counted on for snappy beginnings or good endings either. Indeed, in many cases no ending is provided at all  (Talent Quotes) The primary function of a theatre is not to please itself, or even to please its audience. It is to serve talent  (Talent Quotes) The talent that has to be learned is finding out what someone’s passion is and setting them up to realize that. You don’t get the best work from people if you’re guiding them versus them guiding themselves  (Talent Quotes) Looking back upon my work today, I think the best I have done grew out of things deeply felt, the worst from a pride in mere talent  (Talent Quotes) I always say this to the young chefs and mean it: The customer is excited, he says you are an artist, but we are not, just craftspeople with a little talent. If the chef is an artist, he doesn’t succeed. Why? Because he is inspired today but not tomorrow. We cannot do that  (Talent Quotes) To suddenly be a hero on a world basis was hard for me to understand. God gave me a gift. I got the chance to use it. I didn’t think I deserved what people were saying. My talent is just more visible than theirs  (Talent Quotes) I have created nothing really beautiful, really lasting, but if I can inspire one of these youngsters to develop the talent I know they possess, then my monument will be in their work  (Talent Quotes) I don’t have the physical talent those guys have. My hard work has made me very good  (Talent Quotes) Comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin. A talent in one area might also lead to a predisposition in the other  (Talent Quotes) Love yourself, for who and what you are; protect your dream and develop your talent to the fullest extent  (Talent Quotes) Having talent is like having blue eyes. You don’t admire a man for the colour of his eyes. I admire a man for what he does with his talent  (Talent Quotes) If by saying that all men are born equal, you mean that they are equally born, it is true, but true in no other sense; birth, talent, labor, virtue, and providence, are forever making differences  (Talent Quotes) Books are the true means of acquiring talent. If one does not read one remains ignorant, and ignorance can never produce true painters  (Talent Quotes) Yoko had 10 years and I had 10 years and I would rather have had the 10 years I had than the ones she did. I had the raw talent and the raw human being, before the sycophants arrived  (Talent Quotes) Art is not so much talent as character… it’s what you are, the qualities of the person  (Talent Quotes) It must be a sign of talent that I do not give up, though I can get nobody to take an interest in my efforts  (Talent Quotes) Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent  (Talent Quotes) It is not necessary to have an extravagant food budget in order to serve things with variety and tastefully cooked. It is not necessary to have expensive food on the plates before they can enter the dining room as things of beauty in colour and texture. Food should be served with real care as to the colour and texture on the plates, as well as with imaginative taste. This is where artistic talent and aesthetic expression and fulfillment come in  (Talent Quotes) Everyone who has any talent at all in sketching, painting, sculpturing or carving, should have the opportunity to use that talent. The expression is important for the person, and can tremendously enrich the lives of other people. What can you do?  (Talent Quotes) Getting an audience requires luck as well as talent. Some artists are private and shy. It costs them too much  (Talent Quotes) One is just given a talent, and it’s one’s duty to make the most of it  (Talent Quotes) If somebody doesn’t have any talent, get off the stage! You’re wasting my time  (Talent Quotes) As artists, we do the work that we do. Receiving an award or not receiving an award in no way diminishes one’s talent or value  (Talent Quotes) The more you take away the less there is to hide behind and that’s when the true talent comes out  (Talent Quotes) The world doesn’t fully make sense until the writer has secured his version of it on the page. And the act of writing is strangely more lifelike than life….every person who does serious time with a keyboard is attempting to translate his version of the world into words so that he might be understood…. Your job is to marshal the talent you do have and find people who believe in your work. What’s important, finally, is that you create, and that those creations define for you what matters most, that which cannot be extinguished even in the face of silence, solitude, and rejection  (Talent Quotes) I have no talent. I write poems for myself, to think things through, that’s all  (Talent Quotes)
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