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Acceptance is not a talent you either have or don’t have. It’s a learned response. My meditation teacher made a great point about the difference between a reaction and a response: You may not have control over your initial reaction to something, but you can decide what your response will be. You don’t have to be at the mercy of your emotions, and acceptance can be your first step toward empowerment... For me, acceptance has been the cornerstone to my having an emotionally healthy response to my illness  (Talent Quotes) What makes him special? He has a mixture of physical talent and technical ability, as well as remarkable intelligence and above all a great passion for the game  (Talent Quotes) With all the talent around, it’s sort of amazing that a woman could be up here with us  (Talent Quotes) A serious athlete to me is one who is committed to excellence at any level, at any age, in any endeavor and in either sex. This commitment begins with a dream and a sense of talent and skill and determination to make that dream come true  (Talent Quotes) A lot of people have a lot of talent. What people don’t have is the will to work hard enough to develop that talent fully  (Talent Quotes) Being a poet is like having an invisible partner. It isn’t easy. But you can’t live without it either. Talent is only 10 per cent. The rest is obsession  (Talent Quotes) Talent, don’t bother about wether or not you have it. Just assume that you do, and forget about it. Talent is a word we use after someone has become accomplished  (Talent Quotes) A first novel should be brash and ambitious, and announce the arrival of a new talent  (Talent Quotes) My granddad wanted to become a sign painter and designer, but was stopped; my dad would have had a real talent for language, but was stopped. When I expressed a desire to become a graphic designer, I was not stopped  (Talent Quotes) I have no special talent, you know. I never took a writing course before I began to write  (Talent Quotes) Talent can pop up anywhere in the world, it’s not just one city block  (Talent Quotes) The biggest thing for me is the passion that I’ve always had for hockey. I remember growing up, no matter what I did in life, my parents always told me to try to do my best at it and be my best. I can say going through different things that passion is the most important part. It’s not skills or talent or any of that stuff  (Talent Quotes) Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals  (Talent Quotes) Angelo is a brilliant jazz talent. His receptivity, seriousness, his ability to execute ideas simple or complex, combined with his love and feel for the substance of jazz reveal why he is an exceptional artist  (Talent Quotes) Most people who seek attention and regard by announcing that they’re writing a novel are actually so devoid of narrative talent that they can’t hold the attention of a dinner table for thirty seconds, even with a dirty joke  (Talent Quotes) If there’s any single talent a writer needs, it’s persistence. If you can keep at your writing and you can learn as you write, you can tell any story you want to tell  (Talent Quotes) Even with talent, it’s who you meet at the right time that tips the scales  (Talent Quotes) We simply can no longer afford to deny the full potential of one half of the population. The world needs to tap into the talent and wisdom of women. Whether the issue is food security, economic recovery, health, or peace and security, the participation of women is needed now more than ever  (Talent Quotes) Maybe if I didn’t have the talent in chess I’d find the talent in something else. The only thing I know is that I have talent in chess, and I’m satisfied with that  (Talent Quotes) Having caught a glimpse of what I might be able to do with my talent, I feel a tremendous obligation to try to fulfill it  (Talent Quotes) I never starved. And you know, whatever talent I have, I’ve relied on that, versus image or star  (Talent Quotes) I have no musical talent at all. I was banned from music classes and told I would never be able to understand anything. I still don’t think I can sing, but somehow I get away with it  (Talent Quotes) Someday I’m gonna be famous. Do I have talent, well, no. These days you really don’t need it  (Talent Quotes) In diminishing the role of the worker’s body in the labor process, industrial technology has also tended to diminish the importance of the worker. In creating jobs that require less human effort, industrial technology has also been used to create jobs that require less human talent. In creating jobs that demand less of the body, industrial production has also tended to create jobs that give less to the body, in terms of opportunities to accrue knowledge on the production process  (Talent Quotes) If you put the talent of all my brothers together, they wouldn’t add up to the talent that was in my father  (Talent Quotes) The money when you’re having a hit is great, but money can be taken from you. What can’t be taken from you is the talent and the effect your work has  (Talent Quotes) If I have a talent, it’s already been exploited! I’ve shown everything I can do to the public  (Talent Quotes) One needs more than ambition and talent to make a success of anything, really. There must be love and a vocation  (Talent Quotes) The idea of being on a show where each season stands alone, and you can come back the next year and show an entirely different aspect of your personality or your talent or your anything is an enormous gift that you rarely get in television  (Talent Quotes) I had my guitar and some talent so that I could make friends with intelligent people and could talk my way out of difficult situations  (Talent Quotes)
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