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Talent Quotes

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Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells  (Talent Quotes) Painting done under pressure by artists without the necessary talent can only give rise to formlessness, as painting is a profession that requires peace of mind  (Talent Quotes) A man of but mediocre talent who is furiously driven by deep desire will get somewhere. He who doesn’t desire deeply isn’t hurt much by failure  (Talent Quotes) I think that’s a weak excuse, to say because a rapper’s getting older that he ain’t got it no more. Nah. Don’t go by that philosophy. Let’s just recognize that talent is within  (Talent Quotes) The bourgeoisie’s weapon is starvation. If as a writer or artist you run counter to their narrow notions they simplyand silently withdraw your means of subsistence. I sometimes wonder how many people of talent are executed in this way every year  (Talent Quotes) There’s nothing as human as hunger. There’s no creation without talent, I give you that, but talent is cheap. Talent goes begging. Hunger is the piston of art  (Talent Quotes) Any coach needs talent. You start with talent. Without talent, we’re all in the soup  (Talent Quotes) My talent is working very hard and having a decent nose. A good nose for a story and the ability to get a little bit dirty sometimes, to get a little bit physical sometimes chasing a story. And to feel it, I mean I feel it  (Talent Quotes) I’m not much of an improv guy. That’s a talent I don’t have  (Talent Quotes) Technology, publicity and sexuality have their place in music, but they are all subordinate to the pleasures and power of true vocal talent  (Talent Quotes) Your attitude to life is far more important in determining your happiness than your money, appearance, social status or talent  (Talent Quotes) No one understands another’s grief, no one understands another’s joy... My music is the product of my talent and my misery. And that which I have written in my greatest distress is what the world seems to like best  (Talent Quotes) I wish they would teach it in schools: Give people the belief that they are going to do well. A lot of people are really talented and scared to follow their talent because you don’t know where it’s going  (Talent Quotes) If I could just hope to have a major talent, then I would rather have it in music than in any other field  (Talent Quotes) Magic is the only profession where it’s easy to lie about your talent. If you do a trick and you can learn it very quickly, you can fool somebody into thinking you’re a great magician  (Talent Quotes) Both of my parents are surfers, of course, so they understood where my passion for surfing was at and I guess they saw the talent that I had  (Talent Quotes) To misuse one’s talent, to be cavalier about it, to set it aside because of fear or sloth is unpardonable  (Talent Quotes) Although talent feels and looks predestined, in fact we have a good deal of control over what skills we develop, and we have more potential than we might ever presume to guess  (Talent Quotes) I don’t think you need any kind of backing here in the industry. I think what you achieve in your life is the result of your own talent and hard work  (Talent Quotes) Talent is crucial. It needs to be driven by motivation, but blind ambition isn’t the key  (Talent Quotes) Doing designs on a loom takes a lot of talent and experience, and, trust me, I won’t be able to do that  (Talent Quotes) To maintain success, stamina is more important than talent. You have to learn to be a marathon runner  (Talent Quotes) It’s awesome to realize that if your greatest potential talent is for riding a bicycle upside down on a high wire, you will somehow discover it  (Talent Quotes) Discipline and constant work are the whetstones upon which the dull knife of talent is honed until it becomes sharp enough, hopefully, to cut through even the toughest meat and gristle  (Talent Quotes) Genius can write on the back of old envelopes but mere talent requires the finest stationery available  (Talent Quotes) The detective’s highest talent lay in the gentle art of seeking favours under the guise of conferring them!  (Talent Quotes) Keeping even the most humble talent wrapped in a napkin becomes the more reprehensible the greater the emergency  (Talent Quotes) Every person is born with a talent, and happiness depends on discovering that talent in time  (Talent Quotes) It’s absolutely fatal to your writing to think about how your work will be received. It’s a betrayal of whatever talent you have  (Talent Quotes) Despair is your friend in show business. I don’t believe you can act if happiness is your lot. It’s the ups that keep you living and the downs that mete out talent  (Talent Quotes)
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