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Talent Quotes

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There is a bit of a once a soap actor always a soap actor thing, but I do think people still recognise talent. If you’re good at something, then people have no choice but to accept it  (Talent Quotes) Age is just a number, and your talent will never fail you. It has no expiry date  (Talent Quotes) I have always been able to write on the spot. It is a talent that I guess comes naturally  (Talent Quotes) Good style happens in one of two ways: the writer either has an inborn talent or is willing to work herself to death to get it  (Talent Quotes) In life there is nothing more common than talent and intelligence. What is missing is passion, persistence, commitment, and dedication  (Talent Quotes) So somebody has talent? So what? Dime a dozen. And we’re overpopulated. Actually we have more food than we have people and more art. We’ve gotten to the point of burning food. When will we begin to burn our art?  (Talent Quotes) Its all about your determination, I think, as much as anything. There are a lot of people with talent, but its that determination  (Talent Quotes) Too many people chase dreams that they don’t understand. Too many people try to go for things that they’d like to do, but they’re not realistic enough to know they don’t have the talent  (Talent Quotes) Not everybody has a talent for painting, or for the piano, or for dance. But we can write our way into the artist’s head and into his problems and solutions. Or we can go there with another writer  (Talent Quotes) It’s a funny thing that people are always ready to admit it if they’ve no talent for drawing or music, whereas everyone imagines that they themselves are capable of true love, which is a talent like any other, only far more rare  (Talent Quotes) The best innovation comes from inclusive work environments that foster diverse ideas, nurture people with diverse talent and backgrounds, and create strong relationships with diverse communities  (Talent Quotes) Talent may get someone off the starting blocks faster, but without a sense of direction or a goal to strive for, it won’t count for much  (Talent Quotes) Even talent is rarely distinguishable, over the long run, from perseverance and lots of hard work  (Talent Quotes) We ran out of talent tonight. The guys played as hard as they could, as long as we could  (Talent Quotes) I’m very good at noticing talent. I knew he was special then and obviously he is now  (Talent Quotes) I like playing a character that admires real musicianship, and real talent and hard work. I think that’s a good message for everyone  (Talent Quotes) Instead of thinking about talent as something that you acquire, talent should be thought of as something that you develop  (Talent Quotes) When it’s easy to make money, you have no incentive to think about development of talent  (Talent Quotes) Becoming a professional artist takes talent and perseverance, even more so when the field is photography  (Talent Quotes) Make your own talent, make your own luck, and activate your stubborn streak, and there’s nothing that can stop you  (Talent Quotes) I was given a talent to play cricket. I don’t know why I was given it. But I was. I owe it to all those who wish it had been them to give of my best, every day  (Talent Quotes) By and large, talent is in such short supply that mediocrity can be taken for brilliance rather more than genius can go undiscovered  (Talent Quotes) The desire to change the world is a tremendous advantage as you travel down the difficult path ahead because focusing on a lofty goal is more energizing and attracts more talent than simply making a buck  (Talent Quotes) I didn’t have any particular talent for fiction. I took a class in college  (Talent Quotes) America’s great talent, I think, is to generate desires that would never have occurred, natively,... and to make those desires so painfully real that money becomes a fiction, an imaginary means to some concrete end  (Talent Quotes) I seem to have a talent for writing endings that seem just right to me but that frustrate other people  (Talent Quotes) Our team, because of our depth and our talent, we were able to do that, and it turned into a special season as a result  (Talent Quotes) There are people with a lot more talent than I have who have been weeded out of the league because they couldn’t put their egos aside to fill a role  (Talent Quotes) One thing I’ve learned is that I’m not the owner of my talent; I’m the manager of it  (Talent Quotes) My main job was developing talent. I was a gardener providing water and other nourishment to our top 750 people. Of course, I had to pull out some weeds, too  (Talent Quotes)
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