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Talent Quotes

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Enjoyment is an art and a skill for which we have little talent or energy... your entire education has has deprived you of this capacity because it was preparing you for the future, instead of showing you how to be alive now  (Talent Quotes) Great talent stands in line to join your team because the culture becomes the stuff of legend  (Talent Quotes) There exists a false aristocracy based on family name, property, and inherited wealth. But there likewise exists a true aristocracy based on intelligence, talent and virtue  (Talent Quotes) Go looking for the best in people and you’ll be amazed at how much talent, ingenuity, empathy and good you will find  (Talent Quotes) I practice on the acoustic guitar a little bit, but I think I have reached the peak of my talent  (Talent Quotes) Your talent and giftedness as a leader have the potential to take you farther than your character can sustain you. That ought to scare you  (Talent Quotes) You think you have some stable talent which will show no matter what you’re writing, and if it doesn’t seem to be getting across to the audience once, you can’t imagine that moment when it suddenly will  (Talent Quotes) I do think opportunity breeds bravery. It’s such a competitive profession, no one owes you anything, talent in itself is not enough. I went to drama school with so many great actors who are not doing it anymore and it’s circumstantial  (Talent Quotes) You don’t do any show to be celebrated. In fact, you don’t do any show thinking what’s going to happen in the end. You immerse yourself in a room full of talent and a room full of designers and you hope for the best  (Talent Quotes) I don’t consider myself to be a major talent, so the only solace I can take is to hope I’m growing  (Talent Quotes) I think being able to age gracefully is a very important talent. It is too late for me  (Talent Quotes) It destroys the soul to hear that you’re all hype, that you have no talent, and that your whole career has been contrived  (Talent Quotes) Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: work  (Talent Quotes) He had a lot of talent, but didn’t have much dedication, wasn’t organized, didn’t know how to learn, didn’t know how to comprehend what he was doing, didn’t try to learn how to get better  (Talent Quotes) It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women  (Talent Quotes) The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have  (Talent Quotes) Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius  (Talent Quotes) Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you  (Talent Quotes) It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?  (Talent Quotes) The cut of a garment speaks of intellect and talent and the color of temperament and heart  (Talent Quotes) It’s like a novelist writing far out things. If it makes a point and makes sense, then people like to read that. But if it’s off in left field and goes over the edge, you lose it. The same with musical talent, I think  (Talent Quotes) Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age, and to imagine right up to the brink of death that life is only beginning. I think that is the only way to keep adding to one’s talent, and one’s inner happiness  (Talent Quotes) A book is never a masterpiece: it becomes one. Genius is the talent of a dead man  (Talent Quotes) People often remark that I’m pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you’ve got to have talent and know how to use it  (Talent Quotes) We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It’s not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best  (Talent Quotes) When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking  (Talent Quotes) I would say that music is the easiest means in which to express, but since words are my talent, I must try to express clumsily in words what the pure music would have done better  (Talent Quotes) Don’t show off every day, or you’ll stop surprising people. There must always be some novelty left over. The person who displays a little more of it each day keeps up expectations, and no one ever discovers the limits of his talent  (Talent Quotes) Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better  (Talent Quotes) The artist’s talent sits uneasy as an object of public acclaim, having been so long an object of private despair  (Talent Quotes)
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