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Talent Quotes

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The artist uses the talent he has, wishing he had more talent. The talent uses the artist it has, wishing it had more artist  (Talent Quotes) I totally have no other talent and I would be totally out of work if I did anything else  (Talent Quotes) There is only one favorable moment in war; talent consists in knowing how to seize it  (Talent Quotes) Talent is that which is in a man’s power; genius is that in whose power a man is  (Talent Quotes) The talent of turning men into ridicule, and exposing to laughter those one converses with, is the qualification of little ungenerous tempers  (Talent Quotes) Every man may speak truly, but to speak methodically, prudently, and fully is a talent that few men have  (Talent Quotes) Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a man behind the book; a personality which, by birth and quality, is pledged to the doctrines there set forth, and which exists to see and state things so, and not otherwise  (Talent Quotes) Talent finds its models, methods, and ends in society, exists for exhibition, and goes to the soul only for power to work. Genius is its own end, and draws its means and the style of its architecture from within  (Talent Quotes) A writer is in danger of allowing his talent to dull who lets more than a year go past without finding himself in his rightful place of composition, the small single unluxurious retreat of the twentieth century, the hotel bedroom  (Talent Quotes) A man of talent will strive for money and reputation; but the spring that moves genius to the production of its works is not as easy to name  (Talent Quotes) There is the same difference between talent and genius that there is between a stone mason and a sculptor  (Talent Quotes) What you are capable of achieving is determined by your talent and ability. What you attempt to do is determined by your motivation. How well you do something is determined by your attitude  (Talent Quotes) I can’t give you 150 takes. I can’t even give you 30 different ways of doing it! I don’t have the talent or the range for it  (Talent Quotes) I have more of a vivid imagination than I have talent. I cook up ideas. It’s just a characteristic  (Talent Quotes) The time a movie is made is unique, not only from the talent that is available but if the public was ready for it  (Talent Quotes) When I was sixteen or seventeen, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a playwright. But everything I wrote, I thought, was weak. And I can remember falling asleep in tears because I had no talent the way I wanted to have  (Talent Quotes) I’m not interested in making money. It’s just that with my talent, I’m cursed with it  (Talent Quotes) Most people don’t have so much talent that they can become a success all their own. We all need people to help us and lift us up  (Talent Quotes) There is something inherently valuable about being a misfit. It’s not to say that every person who has artistic talent was a social outcast, but there is definitely a value for identifying yourself differently and being proud that you are different  (Talent Quotes) Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see  (Talent Quotes) Casting sometimes is fate and destiny more than skill and talent, from a director’s point of view  (Talent Quotes) My nose was part of my heritage, and if I had talent to sing and to act, why wasn’t that enough?  (Talent Quotes) There are people who are able to plan their career, their future, but I’ve never had any talent for that. I just do things and hope for the best. Say yes, take a chance, and sometimes it’s terrific and sometimes it’s not  (Talent Quotes) And girls need cold anger. They need the cold simmer, the ceaseless grudge, the talent to avoid forgiveness, the side stepping of compromise. They need to know when they say something that they will never back down, ever, ever  (Talent Quotes) Punning is a talent which no man affects to despise but he that is without it  (Talent Quotes) Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for  (Talent Quotes) All the worse for the undeniable talent which hides the evil so subtly and makes the danger so delightful  (Talent Quotes) One has no talent. I have no talent. It’s just a question of working, of being willing to put in the time  (Talent Quotes) All have not the same capacity. I would allow a man of intellect to earn more, I would not cramp his talent  (Talent Quotes) A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar  (Talent Quotes)
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