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Talent Quotes

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You can work hard to sharpen your talent, to get better at whatever it is that you do, and I think that’s what it comes back to  (Talent Quotes) Dali is like a man who hesitates between talent and genius, or, as one might once have said, between vice and virtue  (Talent Quotes) The primary function of a theater is not to please itself, or even to please its audience. It is to serve talent  (Talent Quotes) I believe, however, that such abnormal moments can be found in everyone, and it is all the more fortunate when they occur in individuals with creative talent or with clairvoyant powers  (Talent Quotes) I’ve got the God given talent or the God given opportunity better put, to let that out in a harmless way you know, and I don’t know what it does to you, I don’t really know  (Talent Quotes) I could’ve played basketball, but my mind was on baseball. I didn’t know what I was in for. In high school it was a matter of talent. No one told you what to do  (Talent Quotes) There’s such a big buzz around boxing at the moment. Everything’s happening and there’s so much building up with a lot of young talent coming through  (Talent Quotes) Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. With people with only modest ability, modesty is mere honesty; but with those who possess great talent, it is hypocrisy  (Talent Quotes) The ability to get ahead in an organization is simply another talent, like the ability to play chess, paint pictures, do coronary bypass operations or pick pockets  (Talent Quotes) Racing has reached the point where it is pricing the young driver, no matter his talent, out of the game  (Talent Quotes) If you’ve got talent, stick with it... Because talent wins out, without a doubt  (Talent Quotes) Tact is one of the first mental virtues, the absence of it is fatal to the best talent  (Talent Quotes) Obviously, for me, story is first and foremost, even in the face of the attractive idea of having all the cast there, or having a great piece of talent come to it  (Talent Quotes) If you had the opportunity and some talent, there was no way you couldn’t progress, because it was an open market. There was the advertising world, and there was the documentary world  (Talent Quotes) I’m not a person or a selfish player, but we have to move the ball more, and we have to look further the team game, because we have enough talent to use different players  (Talent Quotes) I would not be able to pen an academic and dry diatribe. I have too much talent for that  (Talent Quotes) We are going back to our roots by cultivating new unsigned talent who otherwise might go unnoticed  (Talent Quotes) The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. Very often it does not know what to do with genius  (Talent Quotes) You have a little bit of talent, a certain amount of good fortune and a lot of hard work in pursuit of whatever truth you can find in it, and if you are really lucky, a terrific partner and I have that and those four things worked out for me  (Talent Quotes) If you have been given a talent, exercise it freely and happily like the sun: give everyone from your splendour  (Talent Quotes) Anyone can forget about talent, but if you’re also a good person, your name will be remembered for a long time  (Talent Quotes) I have never been a child prodigy. When I think back to my childhood, I can not discern any sign of future success. My only real talent couldn’t be found in any curriculum: whistling  (Talent Quotes) If I’ve got a talent, it’s for picking the right song at the right time for the right audience. and I can always seem to get people to sing with me  (Talent Quotes) You not sell your talent, your genius; as soon as you do, you are a prostitute. You sell your work, but not your soul  (Talent Quotes) Many are they who have a taste and love for drawing, but no talent; and this will be discernible in boys who are not diligent and never finish their drawings with shading  (Talent Quotes) Yet, analytical truth is not as mysterious, or as secret, so as to not allow us to see that people with a talent for directing consciences see truth rise spontaneously  (Talent Quotes) I think talent is dangerous to have if you take it for granted. If you use it well and put hard work with it together, it’s hard to catch that guy. and I think that’s what you’re seeing right now  (Talent Quotes) There are guys in the game only because of steroids. They couldn’t make it with their natural talent, so they had to enhance themselves. It sucks  (Talent Quotes) If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don’t hoard it. Don’t dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke  (Talent Quotes) Talent is not universal but it is widely spread: Give enough people the capacity to create, and inevitably gems will emerge  (Talent Quotes)
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