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Talent Quotes

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Insult not another for his want of a talent you possess: He may have others which you want  (Talent Quotes) We are always anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess  (Talent Quotes) From the preponderance of talent, we may always infer the soundness and vigour of the commonwealth; but from the preponderance of riches, its dotage and degeneration  (Talent Quotes) Many a man may thank his talent for his rank, but no man has ever been able to return the compliment by thanking his rank for his talent  (Talent Quotes) You don’t have any soul and you don’t have any talent, jazz is what you should do... Any fool can do it; all you gotta do is practice  (Talent Quotes) The imagination is not a talent of some men but is the health of every man  (Talent Quotes) You have to really work at it to write. I guess there has to be talent first; but even with talent you still have to work at it, to write  (Talent Quotes) It’s not meant to be flirtatious. Listen, I don’t have a presenting style, I’m just me. I don’t have the talent to adopt a different persona. It’s intimate, not flirtatious  (Talent Quotes) Greatness is often born of the passionate dance between a rare talent and a noble purpose  (Talent Quotes) My children’s books are written on the belief that every child has a talent and a passion. Each story unfolds into an adventure of nurturing that confidence until a passion blooms  (Talent Quotes) I have put my genius into my life; I have put only my talent into my works  (Talent Quotes) Talent is often to be envied, and genius very commonly to be pitied. It stands twice the chance of the other of dying in a hospital, in jail, in debt, in bad repute  (Talent Quotes) Men, generally going with the stream, seldom judge for themselves, and purity of taste is almost as rare as talent  (Talent Quotes) Talent isn’t genius and no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great, or nothing. I won’t be a commonplace dauber, so I don’t intend to try any more  (Talent Quotes) Talent is like electricity. We don’t understand electricity. We use it. You can plug into it and light up a lamp, keep a heart pump going, light a cathedral, or you can electrocute a person with it  (Talent Quotes) The glory of surgeons is like that of actors, who exist only in their lifetime and whose talent is no longer appreciable once they have disappeared  (Talent Quotes) If the cut of the costume indicates intellect and talent, then the color indicates temper and heart  (Talent Quotes) I remember always the need to know myself, because if I avoid knowing who I am deep inside, then I can’t express what I have to say through the talent that I have  (Talent Quotes) All of us confront limits of body, talent, temperament. But that is not all. We are, all of us, also constrained by our time, our place, our civilization  (Talent Quotes) Our greatness, our talent has never been the question. It’s been a matter of grappling for control over what we do  (Talent Quotes) I don’t advise any one to take it up as a business proposition, unless they really have talent, and are crippled so as to deprive them of physical labor  (Talent Quotes) Seeking is all very well, but holding requires greater talent: Seeking involves some luck; now the demand is for skill  (Talent Quotes) They had all this talent, and they had no instruments. So they started rap music. They rhymed on their own. They made their own sounds and their own movements  (Talent Quotes) I have put my genius into my life; all I’ve put into my works is my talent  (Talent Quotes) Here is a field open for talent; and here, merit will a have certain favor, and industry is graced with its due reward  (Talent Quotes) The man who is born with a talent which he was meant to use finds his greatest happiness in using it  (Talent Quotes) The best friend is likely to acquire the best wife, because a good marriage is based on the talent for friendship  (Talent Quotes) Virtue, without talent, is a coat of mail without a sword; it may indeed defend the wearer, but will not enable him to protect his friend  (Talent Quotes) There are three kinds of power, wealth, strength, and talent; but as old age always weakens, often destroys, the two latter, the aged are induced to cling with the greater avidity to the former  (Talent Quotes) Mannerism is always longing to have done, and has no true enjoyment in work. A genuine, really great talent, on the other hand, has its greatest happiness in execution  (Talent Quotes)
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