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I believe modeling is a combination of natural talent, the ability to adapt to different situations, hard work, and, most importantly, luck  (Talent Quotes) I wouldn’t even begin to presume that the talent of an able actor is anything like the talents of a prodigious musician  (Talent Quotes) A talent for drama is not a talent for writing, but is an ability to articulate human relationships  (Talent Quotes) At the enterprise level, businesses have the talent and budget to create and enforce policies that prevent staffers from installing things themselves  (Talent Quotes) If you have done well in whatever business you are in, it is your duty to send the elevator back down and try to help bring up the next generation of undiscovered talent  (Talent Quotes) Talent, and genius as well, is like a grain of pearl sand shifting about in the creative mind. A valued tormentor  (Talent Quotes) Ladies we’re all beautiful. But those who boast about it and think being beautiful is a talent are simply idiots  (Talent Quotes) I have a talent for only attracting people I have no interest in dating  (Talent Quotes) Talent is not enough. It’s an important component in a successful performance, but it’s really only a starting point  (Talent Quotes) I think I have the skills. I’m a great judge of talent. I just know basketball  (Talent Quotes) Some have natural talent, others make up for it with tremendous heart and determination  (Talent Quotes) Talent is a very potent aphrodisiac. When someone is incredibly gifted, I find them incredibly sexy  (Talent Quotes) Honestly, being a 5 11 quarterback, not too many people think that you can play in the National Football League. And so for me, you know, I knew that my height doesn’t define my skill set, you know? I believed in my talent. I believed in what God gave me. I believed in the knowledge that I have of the game  (Talent Quotes) As I was growing up, I did a lot of talent shows. I won fifteen Sunday nights straight in a series of talent shows in Macon. I showed up the sixteenth night, and they wouldn’t let me go on any more. Whatever success I had was through the help of the good Lord  (Talent Quotes) Patricia Smith is one of the best poets around and has been for a long time. Her Blood Dazzler is full of capacious soul and formal inventiveness: the compassion and artfulness necessary to capture the tragedies and Tragedy of Katrina. Smith is herself a storm of beautiful, frightening talent. Her words will wash you or wash you away. I consider this new book a major literary event  (Talent Quotes) When comics came along in the 1930s there was a talent pool waiting. And one reason is so many areas were closed to Jews. Colleges, advertising agencies, many of the corporations - the doors that were closed led to the one that was open  (Talent Quotes) A psychologically engrossing novel about the homes we make-in our houses, in our neighborhoods, and in the hearts of our loved ones. Laken takes on that great unspoken American subject-class-and does so with frankness, acuity and surpassing feeling. DREAM HOUSE is a memorable debut novel from a fully mature talent  (Talent Quotes) Obviously he deserved that Finals MVP award. He is a great talent and he is a huge reason why we are celebrating  (Talent Quotes) I’m so used to people slagging me off. Since the beginning of my career I’ve been told I have no talent, I can’t sing and I’m a one-hit wonder  (Talent Quotes) I would definitely like to direct at some point. I’ve been very fortunate to work with some amazing talent and study them. But when the right time and the right story arrives, and I feel like I’m compelled to tell it, then I’ll do that  (Talent Quotes) I feel like I’ve lived the dream for sure, I’m the luckiest guy in the world and I never forget that. I always feel like I’m proof of positive thought and manifestation, and that faith is more important than talent. But if you have both you’re really doing something  (Talent Quotes) What a person is begins to betray itself when his talent weakens--when he stops showing what he can do. Talent, too, is ornamentation, and ornamentation, too, is a hiding place  (Talent Quotes) Reggie Watts is a most unusual talent: a huge vocal range, a natural musicality, and a sidesplitting wit. Is he a comedian? A singer? A performance artist? I’ve seen him a few times since then and I still can’t decide. Whatever, he ain’t like nobody else  (Talent Quotes) I just want to know if I’m truly not in the NFL, it’s because of talent. Let it be because of my talents. But you’ve got to prove that I can’t play this game. If you look at the film, clearly I can. So, I’ll leave it at that  (Talent Quotes) It’s easy, man. I just take the ball and throw. Hard! It’s a God-given talent! No one can teach it to you. They either hit it or they don’t  (Talent Quotes) I’ve never really viewed myself as particularly talented. I’ve viewed myself as slightly above average in talent. And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy’s sleeping? I’m working. While the other guy’s eatin’? I’m working. While the other guy’s making love, I mean, I’m making love, too. But I’m working really hard at it  (Talent Quotes) I think that doing comedy and playing Dwight is a service. Not to get grandiose about it, but I have a talent for playing oddball characters and I can make people laugh and that can help bring families together and people will really enjoy it and it puts a smile on their face and I think that is a really great thing  (Talent Quotes) I don’t get a chance to cry that often on film, so I was hoping that talent would come my way, that day. I cheated, I guess, when I just started looking at my technology device - my iPhone - to look at pictures of my kids, before I did the scene where I had to cry. That was a good trick that I found  (Talent Quotes) We’re proud of Venezuela and Venezuelan baseball. People in America don’t realize it, but we’ve got 25, 30 million people here, and so many of us love baseball. This is a great place to look for talent  (Talent Quotes) F. Scott Fitzgerald thought that prolonging his adolescence would protect his talent  (Talent Quotes)
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