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Tides is a rich, taut, suspenseful, and funny exploration of two worlds, selkie and human. It’s full of mystery but it’s also so fully imagined that a reader can jump right in. Betsy Cornwell is a terrific new talent with a boundless imagination  (Talent Quotes) Talent and worth are the only eternal grounds of distinction. To these the Almighty has affixed His everlasting patent of nobility. Knowledge and goodness,--these make degrees in heaven, and they must be the graduating scale of a true democracy  (Talent Quotes) I like being tested. I get as scared as anyone. But the feeling of putting yourself on the line, betting on your talent and having it work; that’s the most exhilarating feeling in the world  (Talent Quotes) I just want everybody to know my music and get to know my squad, Remy Boyz; just to show people New Jersey. New Jersey got talent, too. I mean, everybody sleeps on us, and they put us as the underdog  (Talent Quotes) Some people think that there aren’t many Aboriginal actors around, and if there are, they’re not that good. It’s stupid. There’s such an incredible pool of talent out there, and they’re still coming out of drama schools. People just need to take a leap of faith  (Talent Quotes) I was very innocent and shielded as a child, so I didn’t know a lot about music or dancing. When I was in Primary Six, no one would participate in a talent show, so I decided to go on. When the audience applauded me, I felt euphoric, and I started dancing right after that!  (Talent Quotes) I was very insecure at the beginning of my career. I didn’t value my talent. I would have probably skipped signing up for movies that I didn’t want to do if I had understood that I had been accepted and people liked my work  (Talent Quotes) I was lucky enough to see the original cast of ‘In the Heights.’ This one blew my mind. The infusion of Latin, hip hop and rap with musical theatre, great storytelling and talent was a powerful combination to me during a time when I’d not been moved by much!  (Talent Quotes) Harry Potter to me is a bore. His talent arrives as a gift; he’s chosen. Who can identify with that? But Hermione - she’s working harder than anyone, she’s half outsider, right? Half Muggle. She shouldn’t be there at all. It’s so unfair that Harry’s the star of the books, given how hard she worked to get her powers  (Talent Quotes) I’ve always been into theater and movies. When I was in school, I did a monologue for my talent show. I would go to the local theater. I was always in dance. I was always performing. That was always my thing  (Talent Quotes) I want people to consider talent without a last name or a race attached to it. I knew it would be a long path but also worth the struggle. That’s when I got my confidence and when I started to figure out what beauty is  (Talent Quotes) A lot of times, when young guys come up, you think you don’t have to work as hard because the talent is going to get you as far as you need to go. But as you get older, it’s not that way. An injury is really a wake-up call and a slap in the face that maybe you were slacking a bit, and don’t let it happen again  (Talent Quotes) Our Government understands that local, community organizations are essential in addressing social issues like economic development, poverty, education and integration in Canadian communities. The Community and College Social Innovation Fund will connect the innovative talent of researchers and students at colleges and polytechnics to meet the research needs of local community organizations to build stronger, safer, healthier communities  (Talent Quotes) I do not draw any of the pictures for my movies as an animator. The reason for that is that I am terribly lucky to have many staff members who I look up to, and who are overflowing with talent, that work with me on each project  (Talent Quotes) Talent doesn’t win. Hard work, determination, and character wins. If you root your talent and ability in those things, then you have a powerful combination  (Talent Quotes) We fear no one knows our potential, ability, power, and talent. We fear to learn about our capability and capacity so we keep it latent  (Talent Quotes) My greatest talent is in my ability to choose good friends. It’s about as important as things get  (Talent Quotes) Creativity or talent, like electricity, is something I don’t understand but something I’m able to harness and use  (Talent Quotes) I’ve never really viewed myself as particularly talented. I’ve viewed myself as slightly above average in talent  (Talent Quotes) I’ve viewed myself as slightly above average in talent. And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening work ethic  (Talent Quotes) I was offered some film roles, and I did not do them. It would have been interesting, but I have no regrets. I am where I am; I accept and embrace the mistakes because they’re character-building and they build perspective and talent  (Talent Quotes) The discipline learned from putting in time and effort as a child is a skill and a talent you carry with you for the rest of your life in trying to achieve goals  (Talent Quotes) If you have the talent and if you have the ability, and you work for it, you can achieve your goals,  (Talent Quotes) The true measure of a successful leader is their ability to discover the hidden talent in those they lead and challenge them to achieve greatness. If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you are right  (Talent Quotes) I look forward to doing everything I can in my new role to help bring more and more of the best talent and best ideas from Silicon Valley and across the nation into government  (Talent Quotes) Acting is a very artistic profession and there are thousands of people out there who think they are actors but there are very few who have real talent  (Talent Quotes) Working on ‘Housewives’ was very similar to ‘Sex and the City.’ Different cities, of course, but a high level of talent in the writing and acting on both!  (Talent Quotes) I think there were some dubious feelings about it, that the first ‘Scarface’ would not be surpassed by the second ‘Scarface.’ We were wrong; it surpassed it. The acting talent, the cinematography - we were propelled into a real class action film. Long after I kick the bucket, it’ll be played  (Talent Quotes) Sitting at a candidate rally is similar to sitting in a ballyard. Both give you the opportunity to assess the technical metrics and reflect on the intangibles - what baseball calls ‘make up’ and politics calls ‘character’ - the leadership, talent and maturity to add value to a venture.  (Talent Quotes) Children can create fun out of nothing and when this great talent is lost you become a boring creature which is called adult!  (Talent Quotes)
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