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Talent Quotes

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I was a pretty normal high school kid. I just loved to play sports and had opportunities, and the Lord blessed me with talent, and I just tried to take advantage of it.  (Talent Quotes) In life, you need many more things besides talent. Things like good advice and common sense.  (Talent Quotes) For two thousand years, the Church has guided the development of music, carefully legislating to fuse artistic talent and aesthetic beauty with the demands of the Faith.  (Talent Quotes) Writing is a job, a talent, but it’s also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.  (Talent Quotes) When one knows at an early age that their gift, talent and direction is musical, one tends to focus on that and let nothing interfere or impede the forward motion toward the end of that rainbow. And after 50-something years of rockin’ out, you still realise there is no end to that distant rainbow until one’s last sunset.  (Talent Quotes) In India, the eldest has the most responsibility and the crown goes to him. The crown could go to a person with the most talent. But how could ‘most talent’ be determined? So Indian society settled on age.  (Talent Quotes) An entrepreneurial spirit makes you someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business enterprise, talent or calling to become an agent of change.  (Talent Quotes) I’m a huge Springsteen fan, and yet if either he or Bob Dylan had to be erased from the world’s hard drive, I would save Bob Dylan’s work for sure - he’s the greater talent, and by leaps and bounds and skyscrapers and rocket blasts. But Bob Dylan is an alien to his public.  (Talent Quotes) Creativity demands nothing less than all you have. Talent alone is never enough.  (Talent Quotes) What’s yours? How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That’s all you have to figure out.  (Talent Quotes) The depth of John Candy’s talent did surprise me. He was one of my all-time favorite leading men.  (Talent Quotes) I think if you have ability and talent in one way, you have it in all ways. I’m not a jack of all trades; I’m a master of many. I don’t feel there is anything I can’t do if I want to.  (Talent Quotes) Humans always love and hate each other for a reason; beauty or talent, hard working or wealth. If you want to be loved give them a reason.  (Talent Quotes) Some people are natural beauties, some have great style, but sometimes it comes from talent. Take Kate Winslet: I was listening to her speech at the Golden Globes. That woman has so much intensity. She’s amazing to watch and to listen to. With some people, it can even be their voice that makes them attractive.  (Talent Quotes) I’ve known Shawn for several years. And he’s just an amazing talent. He’s a great writer, a marvelous, marvelous guitar player, and plays really good fiddle.  (Talent Quotes) You arrive at Formula One being very skeptical, how far can your talent deal with all this, and then you understand those guys are human and pretty reasonable, and finally succeeding in winning your first race, in circumstance as such, it was just an amazing moment.  (Talent Quotes) London gives birth to amazing talent but is rubbish at helping maintain it  (Talent Quotes) I have to admit that I get quite emotional listening to the amazing talent that exists in the New York subways.  (Talent Quotes) This is just too awful. Such an amazing talent [like George Michael] gone too soon. Wham was part of the soundtrack to my teenage years.  (Talent Quotes) What drives me? Surrounding myself with amazing talent to craft a breakthrough product which can be used by millions of people to change the world.  (Talent Quotes) Another thing that’s pathetic is this rule that you have to look ugly to get respect as an actress. Jessica Lange had to make herself look really bad to prove that she had amazing talent.  (Talent Quotes) You have to be clear what your message is and what you’re doing. I mean, Miley Cyrus is an amazing talent, and sometimes you kind of just want to say, ‘We know you’re not Hannah Montana anymore. We know that, my dear. My darling. Now, go be great.’  (Talent Quotes) I am one of the great wasters of time. I have made it an art form. I can get up at 8 o’clock in the morning, be out of the house by 8:30 and back by 5 P.M., and I’ll be going all day long and accomplish absolutely nothing. It’s an amazing talent.  (Talent Quotes) You see, in my view a writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.  (Talent Quotes) You surround yourself with amazing, grade-A talent, and you’re going to have to lift your game. You kind of thrive just by being around such people.  (Talent Quotes) There are so many different people that I’ve emulated vocally. In the rock world - Sebastian Bach, Vince Neil, Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant. They all had amazing vocal talent.  (Talent Quotes) To me, there’s so much talent in the world that’s locked out for the wrong reasons, whether it’s innovators at the highest end where we need to change the regulation systems, or whether it’s the talented people who work here who the bureaucracy’s holding back, or the amazing American people.  (Talent Quotes) I am deeply honored by the opportunity to lead Intel. We have amazing assets, tremendous talent, and an unmatched legacy of innovation and execution. I look forward to working with our leadership team and employees worldwide to continue our proud legacy while moving even faster into ultra-mobility to lead Intel into the next era.  (Talent Quotes) As far as people I’d like to work with, the list is endless. I think to work with Steve McQueen would be amazing, and then some of the U.K. talent we have: Eddie Marsan, Olivia Colman, both of whom I have met and admired for a long time. We’re very blessed in this country; there is so much talent for people to work with and learn from.  (Talent Quotes) We believe that when the right talent meets the right opportunity in a company with the right philosophy, amazing transformation can happen.  (Talent Quotes)
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