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Talent Quotes

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But those with an evil heart seem to have a talent for destroying anything beautiful which is about to bloom.  (Talent Quotes) My father has a beautiful, beautiful voice. His father was a pastor of a church. He sang in church. My mother sang in a church choir. I can take no credit for my vocal talent, because, both my father, and mother have beautiful, beautiful voices.  (Talent Quotes) People will forgive anything but beauty and talent. So I am doubly unpardonable.  (Talent Quotes) I don’t know what the secret to longevity as an actress is. It’s more than talent and beauty. Maybe it’s the audience seeing itself in you.  (Talent Quotes) You have money, fame, youth, beauty, talent. That’s a good start... for feeling good.  (Talent Quotes) It’s a good thing I’m a professional and could see the pure genius talent behind the raw sexual beauty.  (Talent Quotes) Lord, I pray that you will let my talent bring JOY and BEAUTY to a world that sometimes is dark and discouraging.  (Talent Quotes) A man should never be judged by his skill, talent, colour, financial or political status, facial beauty and level of education but by the quality of his character.  (Talent Quotes) People say to me, ‘Well, how do you direct Meryl Streep?’ You’re not wandering over to Meryl telling her how to act. She’s an extraordinary talent and unbelievably hard working; she works harder than anyone I have ever worked with before.  (Talent Quotes) I think I went more toward writing because that’s my talent. I don’t think I was a great performer... And I like being behind the scenes a little bit.  (Talent Quotes) Jamie Dornan is one of those guys who has no idea how gorgeous he is. He’s crazy in love with his girlfriend and a crazy talent and a great singer and a great actor; just a lovely, lovely human being. It kind of makes you want to throw up a bit, but in all the right ways!  (Talent Quotes) I loved being a child. If I do have a talent, it’s not so much being an artist, but it’s being able to remember back to that time.  (Talent Quotes) Being a poet is like having an invisible partner. It isn’t easy. But you can’t live without it either. Talent is only 10 per cent. The rest is obsession.  (Talent Quotes) Being a servant will take you places where your talent will never take you  (Talent Quotes) Business schools need to address students on a human being level, not as cogs in the machine to supply fresh talent to big companies.  (Talent Quotes) Being an artist isn’t a genetic disposition or a specific talent. It’s an attitude we can all adopt. It’s a hunger to seize new ground, make connections, and work without a map. If you do those things, you’re an artist.  (Talent Quotes) I feel like Canadian movies should be as good or better than the competition because of the talent we have here. Someone like Ryan Gosling shouldn’t have to come back here because it’s a Canadian movie. He should want to come back because some of the best movies are being made here.  (Talent Quotes) There is a certain amount of dissatisfaction that goes with knowing your time, talent and abilities are not being properly used.  (Talent Quotes) I want to be on a successful team, and I know that paying one or two or three players premium hurts your chances of being able to bring in extra talent.  (Talent Quotes) There are as many ways to help another human being as there are people in need of help. For some, the urgent need is as basic as food and water. For others, it is an opportunity to develop a talent, realize an idea, and reach one’s full potential.  (Talent Quotes) The remarkable thing about Hitler was his talent for dissimulation. His formidable abilities as an actor are often overlooked. There are only very rarely situations where we can say he was being genuine.  (Talent Quotes) Irrespective of whether you have talent or not, one has to work hard. Just being talented doesn’t mean anything; you can end up wasting it before you realize.  (Talent Quotes) My mom has a rare talent for being able to open up the refrigerator, and with the peas, the leftover eggs, the cream, the spinach, the cheese, and a little rice, she can just whip up incredible risotto.  (Talent Quotes) Okay, I’m lazy. But being lazy is a talent. Sometimes it takes an awful lot of work.  (Talent Quotes) I’m tired of demographic appeal being more important than talent. I want to fight against that.  (Talent Quotes) I regrettably wasted time at university by being overwhelmed and intimidated by the talent of other composers. I felt stuck and didn’t know what I was doing there. I enjoyed my experience, but I didn’t grab it in the way I would now.  (Talent Quotes) My greatest talent is calmness and being positive. I concentrate on what you can do even in the worst of times. You don’t judge by last week’s errors or lost opportunity.  (Talent Quotes) I am aware of the talent I was gifted and had to execute against it. It is just being very self aware and betting on your best strength.  (Talent Quotes) I was very interested in being a painter. I had facility, I had talent, and I loved painting and printmaking, and I was quite serious about it.  (Talent Quotes) The great player, so much of the greatness, in my mind, is in his heart and his head. It’s not in his body, in his skill set. It comes from having great talent but wanting to mold that and fit it together into being special. And being special means winning championships.  (Talent Quotes)
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