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Talent Quotes

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To be a dramatic writer takes hard work, talent, and discipline. And that’s why I just make up crap.  (Talent Quotes) I don’t have an aversion to quote unquote remakes, because I understand what dramatic writing is, what the dramatic profession has always been about, which is talent, not the pretext for its exhibition.  (Talent Quotes) If I was a carpenter, and I was trying to maintain my father’s musical legacy, then I guess it would be a burden because it wouldn’t be natural to me to be dealing in music when my natural ability is in woodwork or whatever. But because my natural talent is also music, it kind of makes it much easier.  (Talent Quotes) At its best, management theory is part of the democratic promise of America. It aims to replace the despotism of the old bosses with the rule of scientific law. It offers economic power to all who have the talent and energy to attain it.  (Talent Quotes) Leadership is not about experience, education or talent. It’s about choosing to lead.  (Talent Quotes) There are no more Elizabeth Taylors. You could be fascinated by her, she lived so many lives, she lived far, she loved the jewels; she had gaudy taste but she had extraordinary talent.  (Talent Quotes) Elvis Presley - his music, his movies, his photos. I come across a new image of him every day and try to imagine what he was thinking, what inspired him. His talent and beauty were just incredible, and his passion for life, family, and friends inspires me.  (Talent Quotes) I am one of those guys who could do the most emotional scene and crack a joke instantly. I’m lucky. I’m just like an idiot savant. I have one enormously enjoyable, pleasurable - for me - talent, which is being able to act.  (Talent Quotes) I love finding talent. Just to encourage people is a good thing. Every night, the audience encourages me. I’m just passing it on.  (Talent Quotes) Seek out people to work with who are brimming with talent, energy, integrity, optimism, and generosity.  (Talent Quotes) It’s fantastic for Arsenal, and for English football as well. You’ve got an English club with a lot of young English talent committing themselves to a club.  (Talent Quotes) The Welsh people have a talent for acting that one does not find in the English. The English lack heart.  (Talent Quotes) My dad always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard enough  (Talent Quotes) Since babyhood, I’ve always evolved from one thing to another. My mother gave me ballet lessons at 6 as part of her enthusiasm for the arts and for life. We went to museums, to the theater. While her own talent was untapped, she worked for church causes.  (Talent Quotes) Israel has incredible entrepreneurial spirit and a deep bench of technology talent  (Talent Quotes) We’ve got unmatched talent, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, so when we work together, we can all benefit.  (Talent Quotes) Success is not a function of individual talent. It’s the steady accumulation of advantages. It’s bound up in so many other broader circumstantial, environmental, historical, and cultural factors.  (Talent Quotes) All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent.  (Talent Quotes) I just wonder where I was when the talent was being given out, like George Benson, Kenny Burrell, Eric Clapton... oh, there’s many more! I wouldn’t want to be like them, you understand, but I’d like to be equal, if you will.  (Talent Quotes) There are still many great surviving talents: Stevie Winwood. Another great talent is Stevie Wonder. Another one is Eric Clapton. Another one is Phil Collins. Eminem, Kanye West I like all those people.  (Talent Quotes) London has a centrifugal pull on talent, investment and business from the rest of Europe and the world. That brings benefits to the broader U.K. economy.  (Talent Quotes) Learning from the best, you will eventually become the best if you have the talent already, if you have that potential.  (Talent Quotes) I hear Jerry Falwell every Sunday here talking about the devil and Hollywood. . . . I’m gonna write him a letter. Hollywood wasn’t built on filth and dirt - it was built on talent.  (Talent Quotes) Everybody’s got one killer story. It doesn’t take talent to tell that story, it just takes experience.  (Talent Quotes) The writers on my team and the producers and executive producer should be called talent. We anchor four hours on Saturday and three on Sunday. How they do that astonishes me.  (Talent Quotes) ...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.  (Talent Quotes) Indeed, an engineer designing a structure is not unlike an artist painting one. Both start with nothing but talent, experience, and inspiration. The fresh piece of paper on the drawing board is as blank as the newly stretched piece of canvas.  (Talent Quotes) Obviously, the Sixties was a time when everyone wanted to experiment, and then everything became very formulated and corporate, so artists tended to get pushed into a kind of pattern. Now, I think that has continued with the emergence of televised talent shows like ‘X Factor.’  (Talent Quotes) I think any form of self-expression is half confidence, half sheer hard work and, maybe, a bit of talent thrown in.  (Talent Quotes) Working in Korea with the talent and staff there was very eye-opening. I was in awe of everyone’s talent, passion, and love for the process.  (Talent Quotes)
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