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Talent Quotes

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Talent is a spring from which fresh water is constantly flowing. But this spring loses its value if it is not used in the right way.  (Talent Quotes) Intentionality and talent always matter. An extraordinary feat is certainly made more likely by someone’s focus, hard work, etc. But chance also matters.  (Talent Quotes) I don’t have any focus groups on talent and programming. If I need five people in a mall to be paid $40 to tell me how to do my job, I shouldn’t do my job.  (Talent Quotes) I believe that I have a platform because God blessed me with the talent to play football. Having that talent, my job is to be responsible with it.  (Talent Quotes) There are two types of football - there’s physical football and football talent  (Talent Quotes) I had this urge to play the game of football, because so many people - I shouldn’t say so many, a handful of people - said I couldn’t do it. For me, it was one of those things that I just believe in my talent that the Lord gave me, and I wanted to take advantage of it.  (Talent Quotes) For people who are really talented, what you don’t say becomes extremely important. You have to judge what to say and what to leave alone so you can let the talent develop.  (Talent Quotes) Anyone can forget about talent, but if you’re a good person, your name will be remembered a long time.  (Talent Quotes) Everyone has a talent. It’s simply a question of good discipline, of the good fortune to have an education that meshes with that talent, and a lot of luck.  (Talent Quotes) Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backwards, or sideways.  (Talent Quotes) One thing that all of my children, biological and foster children, have taught me is the unbelievable diversity of talent and giftedness that all people have.  (Talent Quotes) If I have a talent for making some fourth-grader who hates school and reading to hate it a little less, then I have to do the most with what I’ve been issued.  (Talent Quotes) Talent is a spring from which fresh water always flows.- But this spring is worthless if no good use is made of it.  (Talent Quotes) Am I a great manager? Huh. I was blessed to have a front office that found great talent, and then I was smart enough to stay the hell out of their way.  (Talent Quotes) In this new digital landscape, this sort of international marketplace, it’s come full circle, and I wanted to take advantage of my talent relations on both sides of the Atlantic.  (Talent Quotes) Talent develops in tranquility, character in the full current of human life  (Talent Quotes) Have confidence, do your own thing, find your talent, and work at it to be the best. And always, always have fun!  (Talent Quotes) I know my strong points: I work hard, I have talent, I’m funny, and I’m a good person  (Talent Quotes) I have no musical talent at all. I was banned from music classes and told I would never be able to understand anything. I still don’t think I can sing, but somehow I get away with it.  (Talent Quotes) Making movies is difficult and you get disorientated sometimes - even when you’re working with fantastic talent.  (Talent Quotes) A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there.  (Talent Quotes) Getting worried there might not be enough talent in America to acommodate all these singing shows  (Talent Quotes) Any idiot can get laid when they’re famous. That’s easy. It’s getting laid when you’re not famous that takes some talent.  (Talent Quotes) The message I really want to get out there is that I’m someone who works hard, gets the most out of his talent, off the course has a great family life.  (Talent Quotes) He had a lot of talent, but didn’t have much dedication, wasn’t organized, didn’t know how to learn, didn’t know how to comprehend what he was doing, didn’t try to learn how to get better.  (Talent Quotes) Every orchestra I know, every opera house I know, is desperately looking around trying to find new talent, new composing talent, supporting young composers, supporting new ideas, supporting new ways of getting the message across.  (Talent Quotes) Getting up on stage and being able to make people feel like their lives are slightly more special than they realize is my only talent, so that’s what I use. I use my talent.  (Talent Quotes) I think that’s a weak excuse, to say because a rapper’s getting older that he ain’t got it no more. Nah. Don’t go by that philosophy. Let’s just recognize that talent is within.  (Talent Quotes) It’s a prizefight. Get off the stool, take your beating, go back to your corner, rest, and take a beating again. Believe in your own talent. Marry well.  (Talent Quotes) There are a lot of people who can slide on talent their whole lives; they’re just naturally gifted. I’ve never considered myself one of those people. I enjoy outworking the opposition.  (Talent Quotes)
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