Talented Quotes

Text Quotes
I feel there must be an enormous amount of really talented songwriters out there who can’t sing (Talented Quotes)
I think I’ve been really good at surrounding myself with really talented people. I’ve picked the right coattails to ride on (Talented Quotes)
More people have more access to more readers for less money than ever before in history. It means a lot of dross; but it means a lot of very talented people can find and nurture a readership in ways that were not possible twenty years ago. From a creative perspective, that is all that writing is about (Talented Quotes)
Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they’re going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems (Talented Quotes)
The truth is when I went to graduate school I would’ve said I was among the least talented of the students, I was certainly the least smart, or less educated. But I worked very hard (Talented Quotes)
I am certainly not the most talented player in the world; there’s many a more talented player than me (Talented Quotes)
There are so many people, deaf or otherwise abled, who are so talented but overlooked or not given a chance to even get their foot in the door (Talented Quotes)
I think some of our most talented people are not going to pick the arts as a way that they’re going to spend their lives (Talented Quotes)
Mental illness doesn’t choose the most talented or the smartest or the richest or the poorest. It shows no mercy and often arrives like an unexpected storm, dropping an endless downpour on young dreams (Talented Quotes)
Its not bad to be different. Sometimes it’s the mark of being very very talented (Talented Quotes)
I fight cynicism. It’s too easy. It’s really boring. It’s much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren’t as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented (Talented Quotes)
A backup plan means somewhere in my head, I think I might fail and that word is not in my vocabulary. Plus I’m too talented to fail (Talented Quotes)
There is always someone better than you. Whatever it is that you do for a living, chances are, you will run into a situation in which you are not as talented as the person next to you. That’s when being a competitor can make a difference in your fortunes (Talented Quotes)
I don’t rate myself as a fantastic, talented athlete. I just have perseverance. I’m a cart horse. I work hard (Talented Quotes)
It doesn’t matter if people are playing jazz or writing poetry. If they want to be successful, they need to learn how to persist and persevere and keep on working until the work is done... I bet there isn’t a single highly successful person who has not depended on grit. Nobody is talented enough to not have to work hard, and that’s what grit allows you to do (Talented Quotes)
In the four decades of philanthropy that have paralleled my business career, I’ve found that the same principles apply whether you’re providing access to capital to grow a business, creating a new paradigm for medical research, or pioneering innovative approaches to education: Empower the most talented people in each field and encourage them to pursue their passions (Talented Quotes)
If successful people have one common trait, it’s an utter lack of cynicism. The world owes them nothing. They go out and find what they need without asking for permission; they’re driven, talented, and work through negatives by focusing on the positives (Talented Quotes)
Pretty, and you may be talented, but nobody will remember that if you’re mean (Talented Quotes)
You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together, you are going to get off first or I am going to die. It’s really that simple. I’m not going to be overworked (Talented Quotes)
It is my job to make sure that these kids who are talented get every chance they can and not to be passed over; this is life or death for them (Talented Quotes)
A lot of people I make music with are really talented and it doesn’t stop at one instrument (Talented Quotes)
You’re adored and you’re talented and the world is waiting to see the results of hard work for the last year (Talented Quotes)
Everyone has opportunities and different doors that are opened to them in different ways. In the end, if you’re talented you’ll get work, if you’re not, you won’t, so it doesn’t really matter who you know (Talented Quotes)
I love music. My secret dream has always been to be a jazz musician. I tried the saxophone for a year or two when I was younger, but unfortunately I had to face the fact that I was not really talented! (Talented Quotes)
We have seen a growing mismatch between the command of media communication shown by the most talented politicians, and the halting, uneven progress which they can deliver through the machinery of government (Talented Quotes)
If you ever find you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room (Talented Quotes)
It is not enough to have a talented designer; the management must be inspired too. The creative process is very disorganised; the production process has to be very rational (Talented Quotes)
The wonderful news is that when a person with my lack of art background can be successful, then anyone can. I’m not super talented and had no art training. Nothing, nada, zip. No workshops or classes (Talented Quotes)
Today there are millions of people making stuff and putting it into the world: that’s become part of our identity and it shouldn’t be limited to people who fancy themselves writers, or who are particularly witty or talented (Talented Quotes)
I don’t care how talented a team is, unless you believe in one another, you’re weak (Talented Quotes)