Talk Quotes

Text Quotes
In our town there is a secret spot where you can still see the stars at night, believe it or not. It is the only spot like that left, unclouded by the dwindling skyscrapers rising nearby. It is a good place to go to walk and talk in whispers. Following the little hill that rises from the park to a small clearing which overlooks the statue of the armless general on his bronze steed, most of us later remember this spot as the first place we knew we might be in love (Talk Quotes)
Can it really be love if we don’t talk that much, don’t see each other? Isn’t love something that happens between people who spend time together and know each other’s faults and take care of each other?... In the end, I decide that the mark we’ve left on each other is the color and shape of love (Talk Quotes)
We all talk about how much we hate lies. Yet we prefer, so often, to be lied to... because it allows us to dodge all those painful truths we’d rather not hear (Talk Quotes)
He look’d a little disorder’d, when he said this, but I did not apprehend any thing from it at that time, believing as it us’d to be said, that they who do those things never talk of them; or that they who talk of such things never do them (Talk Quotes)
Christianity taught us to see the eye of the lord looking down upon us. Such forms of knowledge project an image of reality, at the expense of reality itself. They talk figures and icons and signs, but fail to perceive forces and flows. They bind us to other realities, and especially the reality of power as it subjugates us. Their function is to tame, and the result is the fabrication of docile and obedient subjects (Talk Quotes)
Christ asks for a home in your soul, where he can be at rest with you, where he can talk easily to you, where you and he, alone together, can laugh and be silent and be delighted with one another (Talk Quotes)
I could tell by his expression that once he got over his anger at me for keeping this secret from him, there was nothing left to talk about. He wasn’t confused. He didn’t need questions answered. He didn’t ask why or how or with whom or whether I thought maybe it might just be a phase. He didn’t ask who knew and who didn’t know or whether I thought it might ruin my career. I was his sister and he didn’t care whether I was straight or gay; it simply didn’t matter to him (Talk Quotes)
It made me love talk that sought answers to questions that could help nobody, that could only keep alive in me that enthralling sense of wonder and awe in the face of the drama of human feeling which is hidden by the external drama of life (Talk Quotes)
... how do you run and play when you feel like there are bricks of the heaviest sadness weighing down every part of your body? How do you laugh and talk when there are no laughs left inside of you? (Talk Quotes)
Good is towing the line, being behaved, being quiet, being passive, fitting in, being liked, and great is being messy, having a belly, speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, fighting for another paradigm, not letting people talk you out of what you know to be true (Talk Quotes)
That’s how you know you really trust someone, I think; when you don’t have to talk all the time to make sure they still like you or prove that you have interesting stuff to say (Talk Quotes)
To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop (Talk Quotes)
I know what they said even if they would not say it to my face. People love to talk. They love to slander you if you have any substance (Talk Quotes)
Whenever I see her, we laugh enough to last for the month. She’s my best friend, and someday when we’re old enough I’m going to talk her into staying here forever (Talk Quotes)
Listen twice as much as you talk, since you were born with two ears and one mouth (Talk Quotes)
How is it possible for me to be so miserable and embarrassed and humiliated and beaten an function still talk and smile and concentrate? (Talk Quotes)
It is strange to hear your mother talk about being human because, honestly, it’s too easy to forget (Talk Quotes)
To hear people talk, you would think no one ever did anything but love each other. But when you look for it, when you search out this love everyone is always talking about, it is nowhere to be found; and when someone looks for love from you, you find you are not able to give it, you are not able to hold the trust and dreams they want you to hold, any more than you could cradle water in your arms (Talk Quotes)
I almost tell him that I’d never be able to do something like that, just take out my instrument and begin playing on a street corner. But it feels to personal. Yes, I’m shy, but why bring it to his attention? I’m too shy to talk about how shy I am (Talk Quotes)
I think it’s the things we don’t talk about that make us old before out time (Talk Quotes)
It’s easy to talk to a horse if you understand his language. Horses stay the same from the day they are born until the day they die. They are only changed by the way people treat them (Talk Quotes)
The neighbourhood is a place of... intrigue and emotional espionage, where when two people stop to talk on the street their tongues are like the two halves of a scissor coming together, cutting reputations and good names to shreds (Talk Quotes)
The baby will talk when he talks, relax. It ain’t like he knows the cure for cancer and just ain’t spitting it out (Talk Quotes)
According to all the experts, it’s time for me to talk about what I’m going through... I can’t. I’d need a new alphabet, one made of falling, of tectonic plates shifting, of the deep devouring dark (Talk Quotes)
For a long time he had been white smoke. He did not realize that until he left the hospital, because white smoke had no consciousness of itself. It faded into the white world of their bed sheets and walls; it was sucked away by the words of doctors who tried to talk to the invisible scattered smoke... They saw his outline but they did not realize it was hollow inside (Talk Quotes)
We’ve always known we’d eventually be called upon to open our shirts and save the day, and the superhero was a crude, hopeful attempt to talk about how we all might feel on that day of great power, and great responsibility (Talk Quotes)
Political figures who talk a lot about liberty and freedom invariably turn out to mean the freedom to not pay taxes and discriminate based on race; freedom to hold different ideas and express them, not so much (Talk Quotes)
I love talking to people and hearing their stories. Everyone’s got their own story to tell, and when you sit down with someone and really talk to them, you can learn so much (Talk Quotes)
My mother used to talk about passages and, once in a while, about ordeals. We all have them; we are all shaped by them. She thought the key was to find the healing in the hurt (Talk Quotes)
We may talk a good game and write even better ones, but we never outgrow those small wounded things we were when we were five and six and seven (Talk Quotes)