Talk Quotes

Text Quotes
When you talk about revolution, it’s very easy to romanticize picking up a gun or marching in the street, but I think before we take any of those actions, violence of course being the last one, we first have to have a revolution of the mind (Talk Quotes)
I’m always looking at new ways to tell a joke so that it doesn’t get stale while working on new jokes every night or I would go absolutely crazy and would want to kill myself. I just want to go in there and talk about what’s bugging me (Talk Quotes)
Geek it’s really more a characteristic where you don’t socialize. You don’t talk the normal languages (Talk Quotes)
A lot of people talk about the trail healing them, but I feel like, the first time, it humbled me, which I probably needed. It was a completely new way to experience the world and my body (Talk Quotes)
I talk specifically to the lifestyle and those who can relate to it. And I feel like, where the creativity comes in, is where you draw the parallels that everybody can relate to. That’s where it’s creative for me. I feel like it works best that way (Talk Quotes)
What I’ve really learned is to be open to listen to other people’s opinions and then question my own thoughts. And learn how to talk to people. The biggest gift from having one of these moments is that it gets people talking (Talk Quotes)
When you want to read the book, come read the book. When you want to come talk to me and be my friend, come talk to me (Talk Quotes)
I believe that accurate knowledge is very, very important, but find that out in free time. Don’t let it take over every hour of the day. Perhaps most important, talk about it (Talk Quotes)
I think the reason that a lot of people have to have a lot of people around is just about being smart and knowing what you want to talk about (Talk Quotes)
I try to be open with everybody, try to make everybody feel welcome and make them feel like, hey, I’m an easy person to talk to, get along with (Talk Quotes)
When you’re in a good mood, bring up the past. When you’re in a bad mood, stick to the present. And when you’re not feeling emotional at all, it’s time to talk about the future (Talk Quotes)
If you talked to others the way you talk to yourself, would you have any friends? (Talk Quotes)
I think that in the process of writing, all kinds of unexpected things happen that shift the poet away from his plan and that these accidents are really what we mean when we talk about poetry (Talk Quotes)
The more people talk about eating disorders, the more people get the real story about what they’re like (Talk Quotes)
I will repeat again that females are the symbols of nonviolence. Another thing I would say is that a female is more compromising. A female can talk with anyone easily (Talk Quotes)
I love to talk to children about making mistakes. Its important that I tell them about how I don’t get it right the first time. We live in such a perfectionist society, and they see so many finished products and polished performances (Talk Quotes)
Learning is not a product of teaching. kids are born learning. They learn how to walk, how to talk. They’re basically little scientists. If we don’t stop that process, it will continue (Talk Quotes)
Don’t talk to me about gravity. When I get out of bed in the morning, I have to be careful not to step on my breasts (Talk Quotes)
To talk easily with people, you must firmly believe that either you or they are interesting. And even then it’s not easy (Talk Quotes)
When a man falls in love, he wants to go to bed. When a woman falls in love, she wants to talk about it (Talk Quotes)
Blessed are the pure in heart for they have so many more things to talk about (Talk Quotes)
Be happy, talk happiness. Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others. There is enough sadness in the world without yours (Talk Quotes)
The nice thing about really intelligent people is that when you talk with them they make you feel intelligent too (Talk Quotes)
I really worked at becoming more assertive, and now none of my friends talk to me (Talk Quotes)
I can’t imagine why everybody is always so keen for authors to talk about writing. I should have thought it was an author’s business to write, not talk (Talk Quotes)
It is my experience that no one, in the course of conversation, can fail to give themselves away sooner or later. Everyone has an irresistible urge to talk about themselves (Talk Quotes)
The truth is that we can overhaul our surroundings, renovate our environment, talk a new game, join a new club, far more easily than we can change the way we respond emotionally. It is easier to change behavior than feelings about that behavior (Talk Quotes)
If everybody floated with the tide of talk, placidity would soon end in stagnation. It is the strong backward stroke which stirs the ripples, and gives animation and variety (Talk Quotes)
Poor kids are much more likely to become sick than their richer counterparts, but much less likely to have health insurance. Talk about a double whammy (Talk Quotes)
In general, watching children’s television is a dark and surreal descent into madness where the characters on the screen talk directly to you (Talk Quotes)