Talking Quotes

Text Quotes
I wish it was politically correct to sock somebody in the mouth when they started talking too much (Talking Quotes)
That awkward moment when you’re talking about someone and they’re right behind you (Talking Quotes)
We human are not perfect, so why do we keep talking about other people? Let us focus on ourselves first (Talking Quotes)
Please tell me what I did that made you stop talking to me so I can keep doing it (Talking Quotes)
I want someone who won’t stay mad at me, who can’t stand not talking to me, and whos afraid of losing me (Talking Quotes)
I’ll rather let my work do the talking for me, instead of talking about what I do and what I’ve accomplished everyday (Talking Quotes)
My days get better by talking to you, saying I love you is what I like to say. If we broke apart I wouldn’t know what to do, but being with you is a miracle that I say every day (Talking Quotes)
For someone who hates my guts, you sure talk about me a lot! Love me or hate me, it’s still an obsession. Here’s a tip. Get a life and stop talking about mine (Talking Quotes)
When you take forever to text back it makes me think that you are talking to someone more important (Talking Quotes)
We used to stay up late talking for hours, look at us now, what happened (Talking Quotes)
The awkward moment in class when everybody is quiet and your friend and you are the only retards talking (Talking Quotes)
Thanks for being the kind of friend who also hates talking on the phone (Talking Quotes)
You don’t get successful by talking about how successful you think you are. You achieve your dreams by sacrificing everything and hard work (Talking Quotes)
People love talking about who you used to be but fail to bring up your success (Talking Quotes)
A true friend is the one you can go months without talking to and when you reconnect nothing has changed (Talking Quotes)
The one who is talking to you about me today is the one who will be talking to me about you tomorrow (Talking Quotes)
If we’re talking and I stop calling, its because you bored me, I was bored. When I have the urge to be boring. I’ll call (Talking Quotes)
You know what the sweetest time of the day is? When you pray, wanna know why? You are talking to the one who loves you most (Talking Quotes)
I value being accountable for my actions. Which is why my lips are always talking and yours are always closed (Talking Quotes)
I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he’s talking (Talking Quotes)
A friend is a person who knows what you are saying, even if you’re not talking (Talking Quotes)
Talking to the Taliban is a process the Afghans have to manage. It is their country (Talking Quotes)
Talking about problems can be an addiction. Break the habit and talk about your joys instead (Talking Quotes)
Sometimes it’s best to be silent. You can plan better than the ones that are talking too much (Talking Quotes)
I just want someone who looks forward to seeing me and actually enjoys talking to me (Talking Quotes)
The awkward moment when you’re smiling at your phone and your parents ask who you’re talking to (Talking Quotes)
Getting the death stare from everyone in the room because you were talking too much (Talking Quotes)
That one person who makes you happy the second you start talking to them (Talking Quotes)
When people talk good things about you in other languages and assume you can’t understand is almost as good as when they’re talking smack (Talking Quotes)
That girl you’re talking to now. I don’t hate her, I just hate myself for being ugly and she is. Pretty perfect, just like you (Talking Quotes)