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Tambourine Quotes

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Has anybody seen my tambourine?  (Tambourine Quotes) Jesus, could you please rapture the charismaniac lady who brings her tambourine to church?  (Tambourine Quotes) Democracy is like a tambourine, not everyone can be trusted with it  (Tambourine Quotes) She's the only sylph I ever saw, who could stand upon one leg, and play the tambourine on her other knee, like a sylph  (Tambourine Quotes) The moral of the story is not to listen to those who tell you not to play the violin but stick to the tambourine  (Tambourine Quotes) I’ve figured out what to do with my hands... onstage. I’m a percussion player, so I grab a tambourine as much as I can  (Tambourine Quotes) I shook my tambourine the whole time, because it helped me remember that even though I was going through different neighborhoods, I was still me  (Tambourine Quotes) We gather at night to celebrate being human. Sometimes we call out low to the tambourine. Fish drink the sea, but the sea does not get smaller! We eat the clouds and evening light. We are slaves tasting the royal wine  (Tambourine Quotes)