Taste Quotes

Text Quotes
Why this cult of wilderness?... because we like the taste of freedom; because we like the smell of danger (Taste Quotes)
We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what (Taste Quotes)
I congratulate myself on not having arrived into the world until the present time. This age suits my taste (Taste Quotes)
She thought it was the misfortune of poetry, to be seldom safely enjoyed by those who enjoyed it completely; and that the strong feelings which alone could estimate it truly, were the very feelings which ought to taste it but sparingly (Taste Quotes)
How could I be sleeping with this particular man... Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste (Taste Quotes)
I had to touch you with my hands, I had to taste you with my tongue; one can’t love and do nothing (Taste Quotes)
The world’s flattery and hypocrisy is a sweet morsel: eat less of it, for it is full of fire. Its fire is hidden while its taste is manifest, but its smoke becomes visible in the end (Taste Quotes)
Oh, the strawberries don’t taste as they used to and the thighs of women have lost their clutch! (Taste Quotes)
She thought she was independent and strong, but she got one small taste of love and she was hungrier than anyone. She was ravenous (Taste Quotes)
Whatever is the lot of humankind I want to taste within my deepest self. I want to seize the highest and the lowest, to load its woe and bliss upon my breast, and thus expand my single self titanically and in the end go down with all the rest (Taste Quotes)
Well, a peach has a lovely taste and so does a mushroom, but you can’t put the two together (Taste Quotes)
She read and read and read, but she was stuffing herself with the letters on the page like an unhappy child stuffing itself with chocolate. They didn’t taste bad, but she was still unhappy (Taste Quotes)
I dipped into his brain. He wasn’t happy that I wasn’t wearing a bra, because my boobs distracted him. He was thinking I was a bit too curvy for his taste. He was thinking he’d better not think about me that way anymore. He was missing his wife (Taste Quotes)
When I turn around, he cups my face in his hands and he kisses me so deeply that I don’t know who is breathing for who, but his mouth and tongue taste like warm honey. I don’t know how long it lasts, but when I let go of him, I miss it already (Taste Quotes)
At the most difficult moments of my life, when it seemed that every door was closed to me, the taste of those apricots comes back to comfort me with the notion that abundance is always within reach, if only one knows how to find it (Taste Quotes)
I know that an author must be brave enough to chop away clinging tentacles of good taste for the sake of a great work. But this is no great work, you see (Taste Quotes)
The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he’s as cunning as he is ferocious; once he’s had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do (Taste Quotes)
In fear I hurried this way and that. I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, the one as hateful as the other (Taste Quotes)
Fear is the strong passion; it is with fear that you must trifle, if you wish to taste the intensest joys of living (Taste Quotes)
Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different (Taste Quotes)
It is almost as if happiness is an acquired taste, like coconut cordial or ceviche, to which you can eventually become accustomed, but despair is something surprising each time you encounter it (Taste Quotes)
And once you live a good story, you get a taste for a kind of meaning in life, and you can’t go back to being normal; you can’t go back to meaningless scenes stitched together by the forgettable thread of wasted time (Taste Quotes)
I wanted him to feel what I felt when I was with him: that incredible combination of comfort, decadence, and wonder; the knowledge that, with just a single taste of him, I was addicted (Taste Quotes)
Sometimes, when you’re sad you don’t know what to do, it helps to be angry. But then the tears come back again all the same, and you fall asleep with the salty taste of them on your lips (Taste Quotes)
Why did death make life taste so much sweeter? Why could the heart love only what it could also lose? (Taste Quotes)
She had never imagined that the kiss would be so brief and desperate and wild. Or that it would taste of holy water. Holy water and blood (Taste Quotes)
Of course my jokes are in poor taste, inappropriate, and confused; they reveal my lack of security. But that is because I have no respect for myself (Taste Quotes)
For a taste that’s a bit more distinct, eat a bird before it’s extinct (Taste Quotes)
Love is the grand prize and the garbage heap. Love is a spiritual root canal and the only thing that makes life worth living. Love is a little taste of always and a big bite of nothing. And love is everything in between these extremes (Taste Quotes)
The inspector ate only two of my tiny sandwiches: the first because he hadnt expected it to taste so awful; the second, I think, because hed thought surely the first must have been a mistake (Taste Quotes)