Taught Quotes

Text Quotes
Let our pupil be taught that he does not belong to himself, but that he is public property. Let him be taught to love his family, but let him be taught at the same time that he must forsake and even forget them when the welfare of his country requires it (Taught Quotes)
History has taught us: never underestimate the amount of money, time, and effort someone will expend to thwart a security system. It’s always better to assume the worst. Assume your adversaries are better than they are. Assume science and technology will soon be able to do things they cannot yet. Give yourself a margin for error. Give yourself more security than you need today. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be glad you did (Taught Quotes)
She taught me what’s important, and what isn’t. And I’ve never forgotten. And that’s what mothers do, I say (Taught Quotes)
Train yourselves. Don’t wait to be fed knowledge out of a book. Get out and seek it. Make explorations. Do your own research work. Train your hands and your mind. Become curious. Invent your own problems and solve them. You can see things going on all about you. Inquire into them. Seek out answers to your own questions. There are many phenomena going on in nature the explanation of which cannot be found in books. Find out why these phenomena take place. Information a boy gets by himself is enormously more valuable than that which is taught to him in school (Taught Quotes)
I journey to the east, where I have been told, there are men who have taught death some manners (Taught Quotes)
I worry that by losing my temper so much and being so harsh and yelling so much that, by example, I will have taught my daughters to be that way, and I’m now constantly telling them not to do that (Taught Quotes)
Before we can count we are taught to be grateful for what others do. As we are broken open by our experience, we begin to be grateful for what is, and if we live long enough and deep enough and authentically enough, gratitude becomes a way of life (Taught Quotes)
How happy is he born and taught; that serves not another’s will, whose armor is his honest thought and truth, his utmost skill (Taught Quotes)
The other would be the real one, composed entirely of young enthusiasts in camouflage uniforms, who would not be put on display, but from whom impossible efforts would be demanded and to whom all sorts of tricks would be taught. That’s the army in which I should like to fight (Taught Quotes)
You can’t measure success if you have never failed. My father has taught me that if you really do want to reach your goals, you can’t spend any time worrying about whether you’re going to win or lose. Focus only on getting better (Taught Quotes)
I think no one has written a history of the great coaches who were around 30 to 40 years ago who taught the fundamentals (Taught Quotes)
My mom would never let us quit. She always taught us the importance of sticking with it, even when times are tough. We didn’t just hear her, we watched her. I know what to do because she led the way. She showed us that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish the world. No matter where you’re from and what you’re up against (Taught Quotes)
Sports taught me that I can make a mistake one minute, let it go, and be brilliant the next (Taught Quotes)
To my father, who told me the stories that matter. To my mother, who taught me to remember them (Taught Quotes)
If it were customary to send daughters to school like sons, and if they were then taught the natural sciences, they would learn as thoroughly and understand the subtleties of all the arts and sciences as well as sons. And by chance there happen to be such women, for, as I touched on before, just as women have more delicate bodies than men, weaker and less able to perform many tasks, so do they have minds that are freer and sharper whenever they apply themselves (Taught Quotes)
Only dead mathematics can be taught where the attitude of competition prevails: living mathematics must always be a communal possession (Taught Quotes)
Players taught to watch the man with the ball leaves them totally unprepared for the next move, which is always dictated by a player without the ball (Taught Quotes)
Creationists who want religious ideas taught as scientific fact in public schools continue to adapt to courtroom defeats by hiding their true aims under ever changing guises (Taught Quotes)
Not only did he teach by accomplishment, but he taught by the inspiration of a marvelous imagination that refused to accept the permanence of what appeared to others to be insuperable difficulties: an imagination of the goals of which, in a number of instances, are still in the realms of speculation (Taught Quotes)
Mum always taught us that compassion and kindness were the most important things in life, that it was better to be kind than right (Taught Quotes)
For a modern ruler the laws of conservation and transformation of energy, when the vivifing stream takes its source, the ways it wends its course in nature, and how, under wisdom and knowledge, it may be intertwined with human destiny, instead of careering headlong to the ocean, are a study at least as pregnant with consequences to life as any lesson taught by the long unscientific history of man (Taught Quotes)
If we want to produce people who share the values of a democratic culture, they must be taught those values and not be left to acquire them by chance (Taught Quotes)
My father taught me to be independent and cocky and free thinking, but he could not stand it if I disagreed with him (Taught Quotes)
Of course my father was a great influence on me. He taught me how to read (Taught Quotes)
Writing, in any sense that matters, cannot be taught. It can only be learned by each separate one of us in his own way, by the use of his own powers of imagination and perception, the ability to learn the lessons he has set for himself (Taught Quotes)
Biographical history, as taught in our public schools, is still largely a history of boneheads; ridiculous kings and queens, paranoid political leaders, compulsive voyagers, ignorant general the flotsam and jetsam of historical currents. The men who radically altered history, the great scientists and mathematicians, are seldom mentioned, if at all (Taught Quotes)
Football is like a religion to me. I worship the ball, and I treat it like a God. Too many players think of a football as something to kick. They should be taught to caress it and to treat it like a precious gem (Taught Quotes)
What all great teachers appear to have in common is love of their subject, an obvious satisfaction in rousing this love in their students, and an ability to convince them that what they are being taught is deadly serious (Taught Quotes)
Polls are the corporate media’s standardized tests to determine how well we have learned what it has taught us (Taught Quotes)
As everyone knows, there is no intelligence in coercion or forcing another into action or realization. And if the name of the galactic game is superior, intelligent harmonization, it must be played so that the local intelligence is taught or shown how it works in such a manner that it comes to its own conclusions. In other words, the galactic code of honor is to manifest and demonstrate harmony by whatever means possible (Taught Quotes)