Taught Quotes

Text Quotes
Science has taught us, against all intuition, that apparently solid things like crystals and rocks are really almost entirely composed of empty space. And the familiar illustration is the nucleus of an atom is a fly in the middle of a sports stadium, and the next atom is in the next sports stadium. (Taught Quotes)
There are so many issues in society - we talk about the violence, the drugs, the unwanted pregnancies - but at the end of the day, it comes down to what we taught our children to be. (Taught Quotes)
I taught world history. I understand there was an Ice Age... seasons come and seasons go. I do not believe the world’s going to end because of the 2 percent man-made greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. And even if it were, we’re not going to stop it. (Taught Quotes)
Instead of being taught independence, energy, and enterprise, our youth today is taught to look for security. (Taught Quotes)
When I grew up, my father taught us the value of hard work. He wanted us to enjoy ourselves, but he also wanted to know what it took to be successful. He coached a lot of our sports teams growing up. We weren’t very good, but we learned about hard work and enjoying life and your teammates. (Taught Quotes)
I had been taught that the separation between religion and politics happened in the Enlightenment. But there were people who tried to create a secular relationship to government 2,000 years ago, and those people were the Jews. (Taught Quotes)
All four elements were happening in equal measure - the cuisine, the wine, the service, and the overall ambience. It taught me that dining could happen at a spiritual level. (Taught Quotes)
My own mother always taught me that fairness was a family value - I think equal pay is about fairness for everyone. (Taught Quotes)
Jack London and Ernest Hemingway, confidence swaggering into the storm: Man against Nature. Of all the possible conflicts, that was the one that was hopeless. Even a slim education had taught her this much: Man loses. (Taught Quotes)
My father taught me how to draw horses - for this I shall be eternally grateful (Taught Quotes)
My time at Shell was a most valuable experience because it taught me to look at the world in a long-term way. Shell takes a 20-year view on events and plans for different scenarios. It makes you see the world as a kind of large matrix. (Taught Quotes)
The first rule that a geisha is taught, at the age of nine, is to be charming to other women...Every girl in the world should have geisha training. (Taught Quotes)
Time taught me how to see every second as heaven, even though they’re perfectly disguised as hell. (Taught Quotes)
I take pride in working very hard. You need to understand that hard work doesn’t instantly pay off. My career grew gradually and taught me a lesson every step of the way. (Taught Quotes)
The fact that evil exists in the world bothers me. I think that people do terrible things for ideological or political reasons. I think that evil stems from ideology. People are taught to hate. (Taught Quotes)
My wife - an ex journalist and current TV producer - has a rule that she taught me at the start of B3ta. Does the item make you laugh, or does it make you go, ‘Oh my God?’ If you score on either count, then you have something that is worth sharing. (Taught Quotes)
With Martha Stewart, the power of the brand, the power of television, taught me that if you can marry all those ingredients - like you marry a great song with a great artist - and get the right television exposure, then you’ve got something that really is going to be sustainable. You can expand and blow up. (Taught Quotes)
You cannot merely expect culture to be a natural occurrence; it has to be taught and made a part of your everyday routine. (Taught Quotes)
There have been a few friends who have taught me some great lessons in life. I wouldn’t like to name them. They did things that I never expected out of them that left me heart-broken. It was during these rough patches in life that they left me alone. I know now that it was only my position that they were interested in. (Taught Quotes)
Those who control what young people are taught, and what they experience - what they see, hear, think, and believe - will determine the future course for the nation. (Taught Quotes)
In every case where I’ve seen a transformational school, there’s a principal who really has the foundational experience of having taught successfully. (Taught Quotes)
No child is taught to kill, but he has to be taught to love, respect, honor and value, not only his own life, but the lives of his classmates, parents and teachers. He has to experience love and acceptance. He has to know his life has purpose and meaning. No amount of money can do that. (Taught Quotes)
I come from a loving, supportive family, and my mother taught me that there are more valuable ways to achieve beauty than just through your external features. She was focused on compassion and respect, and those are the things that ended up translating to me as beauty. Beautiful people have many advantages, but so do friendly people...I think beauty is an expression of love. (Taught Quotes)
If her artist’s eye had given her nothing else, it taught her to see beauty where few others noticed it. (Taught Quotes)
One of the things my mother taught me when I was a child was just keep your eye on the prize and as long as you feel that you’re right with your creator and you’re right yourself, then other people’s opinions really don’t matter. (Taught Quotes)
Tears have cleansed my eyes, and errors have taught me the language of the hearts (Taught Quotes)
My grandfather taught me how important it is to have your eyes open, because you never know what’s going to come your way. (Taught Quotes)
Millions of Americans and people around the world, especially young people who face intense financial challenges today, haven’t been taught how to take control of their financial future. (Taught Quotes)
Animation taught me to draw quickly and clearly and to communicate a character’s feelings through his or her body language and facial expressions. (Taught Quotes)
A central theme of all about love is that from childhood into adulthood we are often taught misguided and false assumptions about the nature of love. Perhaps the most common false assumption about love is that love means we will not be challenged or changed. (Taught Quotes)