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When I was taught truth, that’s when I got my freedom  (Taught Quotes) Schools are generally feminine places, institutions where conformity is valued, taught largely by conformist women  (Taught Quotes) My father told and taught me that the word, can hit harder than the fist  (Taught Quotes) The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that  (Taught Quotes) Kids know nothing about racism. They’re taught that by adults  (Taught Quotes) Neither instinct nor style.. can be bought or taught  (Taught Quotes) My mother taught me beauty really lives in places like a smile  (Taught Quotes) Let go of your past, but never forget what it has taught you  (Taught Quotes) It was my father who taught me to value myself  (Taught Quotes) If we’re born to inquire, then why must it be taught?  (Taught Quotes) Chess cannot be taught. Chess can only be learned  (Taught Quotes) I was always taught to be hungry and humble  (Taught Quotes) White supremacy has taught white people to be racially, culturally, and politically illiterate  (Taught Quotes) The hairflip is something that just can’t be taught  (Taught Quotes) Kids have to be taught to hate  (Taught Quotes) Everything we’ve been taught about health, weight loss and aging is wrong  (Taught Quotes) I studied and performed and even taught mime years ago  (Taught Quotes) My mom taught me not to talk about money  (Taught Quotes) My father taught me that you have to stand by your principles  (Taught Quotes) Ballet really taught me so much about the power of movement  (Taught Quotes) Democracy is something that you must learn each generation. It has to be taught  (Taught Quotes) Good masters teach good doctrine, but that taught by evil masters is wholly evil  (Taught Quotes) Is it ignorance or apathy, I forget the lessons taught to me  (Taught Quotes) Nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street  (Taught Quotes) Faulkner came from my region and taught me how you could write about a place  (Taught Quotes) My parents just always taught me to be reasonable  (Taught Quotes) Every child should be taught to expect success  (Taught Quotes) Experience has taught that politics is a game played by conmen and hypocrites  (Taught Quotes) I have always had a curious nature; I enjoy learning, but I dislike being taught  (Taught Quotes) It is good to be taught even by an enemy  (Taught Quotes)
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