Taught Us Quotes

Text Quotes
It is books that teach us to refine our pleasures when young, and which, having so taught us, enable us to recall them with satisfaction when old (Taught Us Quotes)
Science has taught us how to put the atom to work. But to make it work for good instead of for evil lies in the domain dealing with the principles of human duty. We are now facing a problem more of ethics than physics (Taught Us Quotes)
Our sufferings have taught us that no nation is sufficient unto itself, and that our prosperity depends in the long run, not upon the failure of our neighbors but their successes (Taught Us Quotes)
If there’s one thing that a study of history has taught us, it is that things can always get worse (Taught Us Quotes)
My father’s biggest achievement with us as children was that he taught us that everyone is human and equal, even your enemy has the same needs and wants that you do: understanding, love, inclusion (Taught Us Quotes)
If there is one thing that our role models in this election have taught us, it's that omitting important information is completely different from lying (Taught Us Quotes)
Never get jealous when you see your ex with someone else because our parents taught us to give our used toys to the less fortunate (Taught Us Quotes)
History has taught us: never underestimate the amount of money, time, and effort someone will expend to thwart a security system. It’s always better to assume the worst. Assume your adversaries are better than they are. Assume science and technology will soon be able to do things they cannot yet. Give yourself a margin for error. Give yourself more security than you need today. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be glad you did (Taught Us Quotes)
The boys of my people began very young to learn the ways of men, and no one taught us; we just learned by doing what we saw, and we were warriors at a time when boys now are like girls (Taught Us Quotes)
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction (Taught Us Quotes)
Christ taught us truth; the Devil teaches us falsehood, and strives in every way to contradict every truth; devising various calumnies against it (Taught Us Quotes)
Martin Luther King taught us all nonviolence. I was told to extend nonviolence to the mother and her calf (Taught Us Quotes)
My parents, who grew up in terror and dealt with segregation and humiliation, nonetheless taught us to be hopeful and open and loving and not hateful toward anyone (Taught Us Quotes)
Divorce has taught us how to sleep with friends, sleep with enemies, and then act like it’s all perfectly normal in the morning (Taught Us Quotes)
Jesus taught us how to forgive out of love, how to forget out of humility. So let us examine our hearts and see if there is any unforgiven hurt - any unforgotten bitterness! It is easy to love those who are far away. It isn't always easy to love those who are right next to us. It is easier to offer food to the hungry than to answer the lonely suffering of someone who lacks love right in one's own family. The world today is upside down because there is so very little love in the home, and in family life (Taught Us Quotes)
I’m thankful for Sarah Palin’s vice presidential bid, which taught us that Alaska is not in a box off the coast of California (Taught Us Quotes)
Experience has taught us, that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of a coercive power (Taught Us Quotes)
AIDS can destroy a family if you let it, but luckily for my sister and me, Mom taught us to keep going. Don’t give up, be proud of who you are, and never feel sorry for yourself (Taught Us Quotes)
Christ, in the parable of the vine dressers, has taught us a sublime lesson of justice, by showing that to the things which are not our own, we can have no just claim (Taught Us Quotes)
Truly, as the ancients taught us, there is nothing under the moon, however fine, that is not subject to corruption (Taught Us Quotes)
Learning was of two kinds: the one being the things we learned and knew, and the other being the training that taught us how to find out what we did not know (Taught Us Quotes)
If popular culture has taught us anything, it is that someday mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace (Taught Us Quotes)
He taught us the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. Where there is that, most other pieces fall into place (Taught Us Quotes)
The morality of clean blood ought to be one of the first lessons taught us by our pastors and teachers. The physical is the substratum of the spiritual; and this fact ought to give to the food we eat, and the air we breathe, a transcendent significance (Taught Us Quotes)
One should always avoid unnecessary unhappiness. Especially if one is an immortal. They taught us that in school (Taught Us Quotes)
Polls are the corporate media’s standardized tests to determine how well we have learned what it has taught us (Taught Us Quotes)
Mum always taught us that compassion and kindness were the most important things in life, that it was better to be kind than right (Taught Us Quotes)
My mom would never let us quit. She always taught us the importance of sticking with it, even when times are tough. We didn’t just hear her, we watched her. I know what to do because she led the way. She showed us that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish the world. No matter where you’re from and what you’re up against (Taught Us Quotes)
If anything in this life is certain... if history has taught us anything, it’s that you cn kill anyone (Taught Us Quotes)
Experience has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our struggle against mental illness: the emotional discovery and emotional acceptance of the truth in the individual and unique history of our childhood (Taught Us Quotes)