Tax Quotes

Text Quotes
Today the House has a chance to give 25 million married couples the best Valentine’s Day gift possible, elimination from the most unfair of taxes, the marriage tax penalty. (Tax Quotes)
I’m one of the few people up here who actually believes that we need a level playing field when it comes to manufacturing. That means a good tax code, a good regulatory environment, low energy prices, better opportunities for workers to get training. (Tax Quotes)
Small businesses already struggle to compete with big businesses that enjoy the luxury of a tax code filled with corporate loopholes. (Tax Quotes)
Donald Trump has said that his 15 percent rate would apply to all businesses. And if that’s the case, billionaire real estate magnets will get a very big tax cut. (Tax Quotes)
The Democratic Party is made up of trial lawyers, labor unions, government employees, big city political machines, the coercive utopians, the radical environmentalists, feminists, and others who want to restructure society with tax dollars and government fiat. (Tax Quotes)
The corporations who invest in lobbyists, it pays in terms of tax loopholes, tax subsidies, all the rest. It pays. Clearly, the money has a big effect. (Tax Quotes)
In Washington, we’ve seen enough tax hikes, government takeovers, bailouts, and other big government solutions under Speaker Pelosi’s control. (Tax Quotes)
To be sure, the Fair Tax is a big idea. However, I believe America was built on big ideas, and I was elected to Congress to fight for those big ideas, not nibble around the edges of a broken and destructive system. The FairTax would be a real stimulus for economic growth, and it wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime. (Tax Quotes)
We must reign in overspending by ridding government of outmoded programs, making Big Oil pay their fair share, repealing massive tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas, and enacting a tax code that no longer favors millionaires and billionaires. (Tax Quotes)
Mitt Romney has won the 2012 presidential nomination by promising Republicans that he would end a so-called ‘culture of dependency’ on welfare - welfare defined as ‘free stuff’ and food stamps for poor folks, not tax breaks for Big Oil or tax shelters for Bain executives. (Tax Quotes)
Instead of following through on their promise to concentrate on jobs, Republicans have attacked seniors, working families, women, and the most vulnerable among us. They have pursued an extreme agenda that would end Medicare as we know it and cut Social Security benefits in order to continue giving tax breaks to Big Oil and millionaires. (Tax Quotes)
Philanthropists today want input into how their monies are being deployed. The big question is, can governments use this insight to sell the rich the idea of paying more tax rather than spend more on charitable giving? (Tax Quotes)
I want to reform the tax code so that it’s simple, fair, and asks the wealthiest households to pay higher taxes on incomes over $250,000 - the same rate we had when Bill Clinton was president; the same rate we had when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs, the biggest surplus in history, and a lot of millionaires to boot. (Tax Quotes)
Donald Trump said that if President Obama releases his birth certificate, Trump will release his tax return. Obama said he won’t run for a second term if Trump releases that thing on his head. (Tax Quotes)
I’ve forgotten the birthdays of everyone close to me. I have forgotten to pay bills, file tax returns on time, go to meetings, and, every week, I forget to put the bins out. But I have never forgotten I want my lunch. (Tax Quotes)
It is a contradiction to support increased development assistance, yet turn a blind eye to actions by multinationals anothers that undermine the tax base of a developing country. (Tax Quotes)
The same computers that make it impossible for you to cheat on your income tax can ensure that the blood of your group is in the ambulance that picks you up from a car smash. (Tax Quotes)
Look, I’m very much in favor of tax cuts, but not with borrowed money. And the problem that we’ve gotten into in recent years is spending programs with borrowed money, tax cuts with borrowed money, and at the end of the day that proves disastrous. And my view is I don’t think we can play subtle policy here. (Tax Quotes)
We all remember the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the worst oil spill in U.S. history. What is less well known is that BP is claiming a 9.9 billion tax deduction on the money they had to spend cleaning up their own mess and paying for damages they caused. That is absurd. (Tax Quotes)
If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we’ve got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship. (Tax Quotes)
Brick and mortar businesses - and the communities that depend on them - cannot continue to bear an unfair sales tax burden from which their on-line competitors are effectively exempt. (Tax Quotes)
Building new roads and bridges creates jobs. Growing our exports creates jobs. Reforming our outdated tax system and our broken immigration system creates jobs. (Tax Quotes)
You can’t say British Columbia’s carbon tax is exactly the same as increasing hydroelectricity rates in another province. They’re very different mechanisms, but we shouldn’t deny that both of them can have an impact, and that’s why we’re talking about this broadly. (Tax Quotes)
How we fund transportation in this country is broken. You all pay a gasoline tax, right? Well, cars go farther, we get electric cars, and so on. And then we do more with the money than just build roads. We do bike lanes and mass transit. (Tax Quotes)
Do you realize that $150 billion of our tax money is given to the corporations, unions and wealthy people for tax breaks, special subsidies and special regulations? That money would be available for health and education and building bridges. (Tax Quotes)
I have continuously said that, at the very minimum, the Bush tax cuts for income under $250,000 should be extended. (Tax Quotes)
There are a lot of things you can say about the Bush tax cuts, but you can’t say they didn’t work. (Tax Quotes)
My healthcare plan puts more money into average families’ pockets than the Bush tax cuts... He’s got a lousy tax cut. It’s only good for the super wealthy. I’ve got a tax cut that will help ordinary people. (Tax Quotes)
Dozens of America’s wealthiest taxpayers - including hedge fund legend Michael Steinhardt, super trial lawyer Guy Saperstein, and Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s fame - have appealed to President Obama not to renew the Bush tax cuts for anyone earning more than $1 million a year. (Tax Quotes)
Americans are falling out of the middle class, not into it. And they deserve relief. I absolute support extending the Bush tax cuts for those who work the hardest and invest the most in our economy - the real drivers of American growth, the middle class. (Tax Quotes)