Taxation Quotes

Text Quotes
In 1790, the nation which had fought a revolution against taxation without representation discovered that some of its citizens weren’t much happier about taxation with representation (Taxation Quotes)
It is from the power of taxation being in the hands of those who can throw so great a part of it from their own shoulders, that it has raged without a check (Taxation Quotes)
Unlike every other person and institution in society, government obtains its revenue from coercion, from taxation (Taxation Quotes)
Inflation is not a benign element in the economy’s operation. It is, as it has always been, the most dangerous and destructive form of taxation (Taxation Quotes)
Printing money is merely taxation in another form. Rather than robbing citizens of their money, government robs their money of its purchasing power (Taxation Quotes)
Democratic nation states remain far more capable of managing the circuit of coercion, taxation and legitimation than any transnational bodies (Taxation Quotes)
I have lived and worked in Britain all my life. Not even in the dark days of penal Labour taxation in the Seventies did I have any intention of leaving the country of my birth (Taxation Quotes)
Our domestic problems are for the most part economic. We have our enormous debt to pay, and we are paying it. We have the high cost of government to diminish, and we are diminishing it. We have a heavy burden of taxation to reduce, and we are reducing it. But while remarkable progress has been made in these directions, the work is yet far from accomplished (Taxation Quotes)
Some ‘separation’ zealots would expunge any vestige of religious observance in public schools. Many of the same anti-religious fanatics would like to wipe out of existence all church-related schools, by regulation or taxation, so that universal ignorance of the life of spirit should prevail (Taxation Quotes)
What I agree with is that we need a significantly changed taxation system. And the one that I’ve advocated is based on tithing, because I think God is a pretty fair guy (Taxation Quotes)
The cardinal rule of taxation is that whatever you put a levy on, you’ll inevitably get less of. Taxing corporate activity means less investing, less hiring, fewer jobs and a smaller economy, which hurts the rich, the poor and the middle class alike (Taxation Quotes)
Fortunately for India, it has got a growing economy. If it is doing the right things with taxation and focusing on the right areas for human development, it is going to have no problem, over a period of time, taking care of its own needs (Taxation Quotes)
New taxes are so unpopular that most ‘social’ handout schemes are originally enacted without enough increased taxation to pay for them. The result is chronic government deficits, paid for by the issuance of additional paper money (Taxation Quotes)
My plan has all that. It’s energy independence. It will help our economy. It’s a significant tax cut for corporations, including automatic expensing. It’s bringing all those profits home from Europe without any taxation. It’s lowering our corporate - or our personal rate to 28 percent, the same rate that Ronald Reagan had (Taxation Quotes)
Socialism is about claims of justice, and it is also about money: about wealth, income, physical and financial capital. It is an ideology based on allocating economic resources. It may try to achieve that goal by nationalizing assets, by command-and-control regulation, or by taxation and redistribution (Taxation Quotes)
Thanks to aid, a distressing number of African leaders care little about what their citizens want or need - after all it’s the reverse of the Boston tea-party - no representation without taxation. (Taxation Quotes)
What I agree with is that we need a significantly changed taxation system. And the one that I’ve advocated is based on tithing, because I think God is a pretty fair guy. And he said, you know, if you give me a tithe, it doesn’t matter how much you make. (Taxation Quotes)
By operating independently of government aid, the churches . . . avoid the resentment of those who do not want to be forced to contribute to churches to which they do not belong and of their own members who do not welcome being forced to contribute through government taxation. (Taxation Quotes)
The British Empire was so vast and so powerful, the sun would never set on it. This is how big it was, yet these 13 little scrawny states, tired of taxation without representation, tired of being exploited and oppressed and degraded, told that big British Empire, liberty or death. (Taxation Quotes)
If it is the duty of the State to educate, it is the duty of the State also to bear the burden of education, namely, the taxation out of which education is provided. (Taxation Quotes)
We really need to change taxation policy so that it is not skewed against owning more than one house. (Taxation Quotes)
We ought, therefore, to lessen the price of food to our manufacturers, and place them more on a level with the manufacturers who have cheaper food, and also much lighter taxation. (Taxation Quotes)
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. (Taxation Quotes)
You know what isn’t class warfare? Progressive taxation, as in, say, expecting billionaires to pay at least as much in taxes as their secretaries. Ideally, in fact, they should pay more. (Taxation Quotes)
An education system where student selection is based on credit capacity and not merit capacity and where graduating students are no longer indebted to the nation, but increasingly indebted to the Australian Taxation Office - that’s no way to improve the quality of education. (Taxation Quotes)
Everything a politician promises at election time has to be paid for either by higher taxation or by borrowing. (Taxation Quotes)
I’m willing to fight for Social Security, Medicare, student loans, U.S. jobs, equal pay, progressive taxation and full employment. (Taxation Quotes)
The estate tax has been a disaster. First of all it’s double taxation, some people could even say it’s triple taxation. (Taxation Quotes)
By common consent, most European countries support the maintenance of robust welfare states and are comfortable with taxation systems that support them. (Taxation Quotes)
Some doomsayers think the collapse will be triggered by runaway government spending, excessive taxation, oppressive regulation, food shortages, fuel shortages or natural disasters such as deadly pandemics or lethal changes in the world’s climate. (Taxation Quotes)