Taxes Quotes

Text Quotes
In the end, I think the majority of Romanian society will understand that if we respect environmental protection standards, if we have benefits in taxes, royalties, jobs, we should do what all the modern countries in Europe and beyond are doing to take advantage of their natural resources. (Taxes Quotes)
I am going to confront the old-fashioned negative thinking which says that all government needs to do to generate growth is cut worker and environmental protections, cut taxes on the rich and stroke ‘fat cats’ until they purr with pleasure. I’m completely repudiating the idea that government has to get out of the way. (Taxes Quotes)
Same sex marriage isn’t gay privilege, it’s equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don’t. (Taxes Quotes)
Everyone must be equal before the law, abide by it, pay their taxes and bear the punishment should they break the law. (Taxes Quotes)
Estate taxes make every one of us nervous. If there’s an owner who isn’t, he has his head in the sand. (Taxes Quotes)
Life is full of joys and sorrows, much of it our own making. Sadly, the West has voted time and time again for bigger government, more inflation, higher taxes and excessive regulation - all policies that have kept us from Adam Smith’s vision of an opulent society. (Taxes Quotes)
Taxes are the source of life for the bureaucracy, the army and the court, in short, for the whole apparatus of the executive power. Strong government and heavy taxes are identical. (Taxes Quotes)
I have lived by one crucial principle since I was 24 years old. I don’t blame or complain about things like the economy, the government, taxes, employees, gas prices, or any of the external things that I don’t have control over. The only thing I have control over is my response to these things. (Taxes Quotes)
What we lack is a good, strong business climate with lower taxes, fairer regulation (Taxes Quotes)
Before Congress cuts funding for Head Start, Social Security, and financial aid for college, we have got to make sure that large, profitable corporations are paying their fair share of taxes. (Taxes Quotes)
You can’t ignore the reality that faith and family, those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies. (Taxes Quotes)
My position has been consistent that middle class families should not pay more taxes. That hasn’t changed. (Taxes Quotes)
When I was working, and when I was making substantial amounts of money, I always filed and paid my taxes. This only stopped, when it was necessary to withdraw from society, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family. (Taxes Quotes)
I can describe, and I’ve always been able to describe, what Republicans stand for in eight words, and the eight words are lower taxes, less government, strong defense and family values. (Taxes Quotes)
All the evidence here, for example, in Britain, is that migrants, particularly from the rest of Europe, who come here contribute far more in taxes. (Taxes Quotes)
As my father-in-law once said, when they talk about taxes it’s always for teachers, firemen, and police - but when they spend your taxes, it always seems to go to some guy in a leather chair downtown you never heard of. (Taxes Quotes)
Instead of talking about cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we must end the absurdity of corporations not paying a nickel in federal income taxes. (Taxes Quotes)
Stars didn’t have to worry as they were on long term contracts and were able to enjoy their vacations without worrying about tomorrow. Few had financial worries due to large incomes and little taxes. (Taxes Quotes)
New rule: If churches don’t have to pay taxes, they also can’t call the fire department when they catch fire. Sorry reverend, that’s one of those services that goes along with paying in. I’ll use the fire department I pay for. You can pray for rain. (Taxes Quotes)
People question me all the time about my experience. They question my experience in politics, and the first thing I always tell them is yes, I have no experience raising taxes over and over. I have no experience increasing the debt in a state. (Taxes Quotes)
We spend millions of dollars every year just for the right to pay our taxes, but once again, do we really need to do that? Why don’t we simplify it? And I’ve certainly looked at fair tax, I’ve looked at flat tax, and if I get to the U.S. Senate, I’d like to review that. (Taxes Quotes)
I support both a Fair Tax and a Flat Tax plan that would dramatically streamline the tax system. A Fair Tax would replace all federal taxes on personal and corporate income with a single national tax on retail sales, while a Flat Tax would apply the same tax rate to all income with few if any deductions or exemptions. (Taxes Quotes)
One tax dodge often used by multi-national companies is to squirrel their earnings abroad in foreign subsidiaries located in countries where taxes are lower. (Taxes Quotes)
The truth is that as we move forward, if one side says we can’t raise any taxes on anybody or any interest, and the other side says we can’t cut anything, we’re obviously not going to make progress on this. And our interest is in making progress on this. (Taxes Quotes)
We need to profoundly revise all of our taxes and charges. The aim is to tax pollution - notably fossil fuels - more, and tax work less (Taxes Quotes)
We often think about happiness as trying to increase our joy, but it’s also about decreasing our worry. So what you get for paying those high taxes is, if you’re a parent thinking about putting your child through school, you don’t have to worry about it, because all education through college is free. (Taxes Quotes)
President Obama wants to increase the size of government and raise taxes, while I support less government and more individual freedom. (Taxes Quotes)
I’ve built companies, I’ve created jobs, I know the frustration of small businesses with higher taxes. (Taxes Quotes)
I don’t see a groundswell of people willing to raise gas taxes right now. That leaves fuel economy standards as the only effective tool we have as a nation to make a dent in our dangerous and ever growing consumption of oil. (Taxes Quotes)
The real problem with the IRS is that they let General Electric not pay any taxes -- and 50 other corporations -- that’s the real scandal (Taxes Quotes)