Taylor Swift Quotes

Text Quotes
You should vote for Neoprene Byzantine in the Hot Hundred, they’re really sweet guys and that Moscow song is just wow! Hurry guys voting closes really soon mwah! (Taylor Swift Quotes)
In the middle of the night When I’m in this dream It’s like a million little stars Spelling out your name (Taylor Swift Quotes)
My favorite place in the whole world is Nashville. Because it’s my home, it’s Music City. It’s like, everybody there is so artistic and so creative, and nice! Everybody’s really friendly (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I think that being good to people - you’ll never regret that. Maybe you’ll get walked all over, maybe you’ll get tricked, maybe you’ll get fooled, but I think it’s so much better to be kind to people and to trust people rather then to have your guard up and say mean things to people. You never want to be the reason that someone else feels bad (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I love writing thank-you notes. There’s something very nostalgic to me about the feel of a card and putting pen to paper. How many times in our lives are we required to put pen to paper anymore? (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I want someone to say, ‘I love you and that’s all I really know.’ That’s the girly girl in me (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Sometimes I write about my own life. And sometimes I write about situations I see my friends going through. Sometimes I write about a scene I saw in a movie. I take inspiration from all different places (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I never read one hateful thing said about me by some 12 year old. So I got to live an actual life. And I’ve kept that mentality. Just because there’s a hurricane going on around you doesn’t mean you have to open the window and look at it. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I’ve been careful in love. I’ve been careless in love. And I’ve had adventures I wouldn’t trade for anything. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I’m the girl who - I call it girl-next-door-itis - the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I’m typically single. I’m the girl who - I call it girl-next-door-itis - the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I never give advice unless someone asks me for it. One thing I’ve learned, and possibly the only advice I have to give, is to not be that person giving out unsolicited advice based on your own personal experience. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I think that it’s okay to be mad at someone who hurt you. This isn’t about, like, the pageantry of trying to seem like nothing affects you. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
The business aspect is one of the most important things about having a music career, because every choice you make in a management meeting affects your life a year-and-a-half from now. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I don’t think I’d ever make an album of just covers because I love writing my own music (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I don’t mind being pale. In high school, it seemed like everybody cared about being tan all year round, but I haven’t really thought about it since then. I don’t go to a tanning bed, and I get bored when I lay out. I put sunscreen on when I’m in the sun, and sometimes I get tan, but I don’t really think about it very much. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Spending a lot of time alone, gave me a lot of time to think. A lot of time to think gave me the time to write songs. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
People like you always want back The love they pushed aside But people like me are gone forever When you say goodbye. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
When I hear that high-pitched sound of all those people screaming together, it’s like, I want to get on stage right now. It’s the most amazing feeling. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I’ve made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I’m allowed to write my own music. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Appreciate what you have while you have it and the beauty in what’s there right now and try to preserve it for tomorrow. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Some days I totally appreciate everything that’s happening to me, and some days I feel everyone’s waiting for me to mess up. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
As I grow up, the lessons I learn in love and relationships and how we treat each other are hopefully maturing - hopefully. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
My attitude has always been if you get better and you see success, that should motivate you to even work harder, so that’s kinda how I approach everything. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
My definition of country music is really pretty simple. It’s when someone sings about their life and what they know, from an authentic place. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
I’ve gotten into this nasty habit of running away from love, but maybe one day I can find the exception to that. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
...we almost never speak I don’t feel welcome anymore baby what happened, please tell me? (Taylor Swift Quotes)
Once a relationship is done, it’s done. You can’t do that back and forth thing. (Taylor Swift Quotes)
My friends tease me about the fact that if someone seems bad or shady or like they have a secret, I find them incredibly interesting. (Taylor Swift Quotes)