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Teach Quotes

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We do not need to teach students to embrace the status quo  (Teach Quotes) None but a woman can teach the science of herself  (Teach Quotes) Let the guilt teach you how to behave next time  (Teach Quotes) You teach people how to treat you  (Teach Quotes) Goddess of song, teach me the story of a hero  (Teach Quotes) Men learn while they teach  (Teach Quotes) The best way to teach morality is to make it a habit with children  (Teach Quotes) If people could learn history, what lessons it might teach us!  (Teach Quotes) To reach peace, teach peace  (Teach Quotes) It seems to me of great importance to teach children respect for life  (Teach Quotes) To teach is part of the very fabric of learning  (Teach Quotes) Experience fails to teach where there is no desire to learn  (Teach Quotes) Heart of a solider with a brain to teach your whole nation  (Teach Quotes) We teach more by what we are than by what we teach  (Teach Quotes) It’s not what you teach, it’s what you emphasize  (Teach Quotes) I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach  (Teach Quotes) I do not teach. I relate  (Teach Quotes) If from society we learn to live, solitude should teach us how to die  (Teach Quotes) We teach what we need to learn  (Teach Quotes) It is noble to teach oneself; it is still nobler to teach others  (Teach Quotes) Teach the art of living well  (Teach Quotes) Hard it is to teach the old horse to amble anew  (Teach Quotes) You know, I want to teach, but I don’t want to read?  (Teach Quotes) Those honor nature well, who teach that she can speak on everything  (Teach Quotes) It is in this way that I went forth to teach  (Teach Quotes) The tools which would teach men their own use would be beyond price  (Teach Quotes) I teach about suffering and the way to end it  (Teach Quotes) Whatever you want to teach, be brief  (Teach Quotes) None can teach admirably if not loving his task  (Teach Quotes) First let a man teach himself, and then he will be taught by others  (Teach Quotes)
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