Teach Quotes

Text Quotes
Why do they not teach you that time is a finger snap and an eye blink, and that you should not allow a moment to pass you by without taking joyous, ecstatic note of it, not wasting a single moment of its swift, breakneck circuit? (Teach Quotes)
I pray to the birds because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen (Teach Quotes)
Learning is never wrong. Even learning how to kill isn’t wrong. Or right. It’s just a thing to learn, a thing I can teach you. That’s all (Teach Quotes)
You see, some things I can teach you. Some you learn from books. But there are things that, well, you have to see and feel (Teach Quotes)
The father’s job is to teach his children how to be warriors, to give them the confidence to get on the horse to ride into battle when it’s necessary to do so. If you don’t get that from your father, you have to teach yourself (Teach Quotes)
We prepare our students for jobs and careers, but we don’t teach them to think as individuals about what kind of world they would create (Teach Quotes)
People who teach you cram old ideas, old views, old ways, into you. Like covering plants with layer after layer of old earth; it’s no wonder the poor things so rarely come up fresh and green (Teach Quotes)
The characteristic feature of all ethics is to consider human life as a game that can be won or lost and to teach man the means of winning (Teach Quotes)
If losers can exploit what their adversaries teach them, yes, losers can become winners in the long term (Teach Quotes)
I’ll teach my boy the sweetest things; I’ll teach him how the owlet sings (Teach Quotes)
I have to teach myself not to read too much into everything. It comes from too long having to read into hardly anything at all (Teach Quotes)
You learn best by reading a lot and writing a lot, and the most valuable lessons of all are the ones you teach yourself (Teach Quotes)
To teach that a comparatively few men are responsible for the greatest forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense (Teach Quotes)
Jesus was not sent here to teach the people to build magnificent churches and temples amidst the cold wretched huts and dismal hovels. He came to make the human heart a temple, and the soul an altar, and the mind a priest (Teach Quotes)
I’d teach them to read and to dream and to look at the stars and wonder. I’d teach them the value of imagination. I’d teach them to play every bit as hard as they worked. And I’d teach them that all the brains in the world can’t compensate for love (Teach Quotes)
I learned about life from life itself, love I learned in a single kiss and could teach no one anything except that I have lived with something in common among men (Teach Quotes)
I am convinced that every effort must be made in childhood to teach the young to use their own minds. For one thing is sure: If they don’t make up their minds, someone will do it for them (Teach Quotes)
If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow (Teach Quotes)
Walk neither faster nor slower than your own soul. Because it is your soul that will teach you the usefulness of each step you take (Teach Quotes)
We are all told to ignore bullies. It’s something they teach you, and they can teach you anything. It doesn’t mean you learn it. It doesn’t mean you believe it. One should never ignore bullies. One should stop them (Teach Quotes)
My schooling not only failed to teach me what it professed to be teaching, but prevented me from being educated to an extent which infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself (Teach Quotes)
Our job is obvious: we need to get out of the way, shine a light, and empower a new generation to teach itself and to go further and faster than any generation ever has (Teach Quotes)
If we are willing to be still and open enough to listen, wilderness itself will teach us (Teach Quotes)
Is it not a strange blindness on our part to teach publicly the techniques of warfare and to reward with medals those who prove to be the most adroit killers? (Teach Quotes)
Our friends show us what we can do; our enemies teach us what we must do (Teach Quotes)
We must begin to inculcate our children against militarism by educating them in the spirit of pacifism. Our schoolbooks glorify war and conceal it’s horror. I would teach peace rather than war (Teach Quotes)
I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days during their early adult life. Darkness would make them more appreciative of sight; silence would teach them the joys of sound (Teach Quotes)
It would be better if you begin to teach others only after you yourself have learned something (Teach Quotes)
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish (Teach Quotes)
If you want to learn a thing, read that. If you want to know a thing, write that; if you want to master a thing, teach that (Teach Quotes)