Teacher Quotes

Text Quotes
Teacher: What do you want to be when you grow up? Marji: I’ll be a prophet (Teacher Quotes)
When one does a thing, it appears good, otherwise one would not write it. Only later comes reflection, and one discards or accepts the thing. Time is the best censor, and patience a most excellent teacher (Teacher Quotes)
This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. Therefore nil desperandum. March forward hero! (Teacher Quotes)
All began in love, all seeks to return in love. Love is the law, the teacher of wisdom, and the great revealer of mysteries (Teacher Quotes)
The library in summer is the most wonderful thing because there you get books on any subject and read them each for only as long as they hold your interest, abandoning any that don’t, halfway or a quarter of the way through if you like, and store up all that knowledge in the happy corners of your mind for your own self and not to show off how much you know or spit it back at your teacher on a test paper (Teacher Quotes)
Why would you throw a ball in someone’s face?... Huh. That’s a pretty good reason. Well, I can’t do much about your teacher being pissed, but me and you are good (Teacher Quotes)
New teachers were just a part of life, for a few days after one arrived, squawks of interest were emitted from various corners, but then they died away as the teacher was absorbed like everyone else... before you knew it, the fresh ones seemed to have been teaching there forever too, or else they didn’t last very long, and were gone before you’d gotten to know them (Teacher Quotes)
A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But he would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do (Teacher Quotes)
You know that I don’t believe that anyone has ever taught anything to anyone. I question that efficacy of teaching. The only thing that I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat (Teacher Quotes)
It almost seems as though this roiling world is conspiring to test our patience at every turn. In fact, it is. With this in mind, we would be wise to look on our imperfect environment as a teacher rather than an antagonist. It constantly shows us that we need to be patient on an ongoing basis, not just every now and then, if we´re going to realize true inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment (Teacher Quotes)
Living fearlessly is not the same as never being afraid. It’s good to be afraid occasionally. Fear is a great teacher (Teacher Quotes)
The successful teacher is no longer on a height, pumping knowledge at high pressure into passive receptacles (Teacher Quotes)
Remember that you are a teacher, you are helping people, making them feel safer, taking them from fear to love, from ignorance to knowledge (Teacher Quotes)
As with all great teachers, his curriculum was an insignificant part of what he communicated. From him you didn’t learn a subject, but a life... Tolerance and justice, fearlessness and pride, reverence and pity, are learned in a course on long division if the teacher has those qualities (Teacher Quotes)
Knowledge passes from dance teacher into the student through the process of mane, which is often translated as imitation, but learning to dance is more a process of total identification than of simple copying. We repeat the movements of our teachers until we can duplicate them exactly, until, in a sense, we have absorbed the teacher’s mastery into ourselves. Artistic technique must be fully integrated into the cells of our bodies if we are to use it to express what is in our hearts, and this takes many years of practice (Teacher Quotes)
Every teacher will tell you that you cannot dance classical technique with perfection, there is no such thing, there is no way. So you have to adapt the technique to your abilities or to your deficiencies. Learn to cheat! (Teacher Quotes)
The teacher doesn’t teach, not really. The teacher offers stimulation and ways in which the person can educate himself or herself. At best the teacher wakes up that person and makes a person hungry (Teacher Quotes)
When I miss class for one day, I know it. When I miss class for two days, my teacher knows it. When I miss class for three days, the audience knows it (Teacher Quotes)
There is no doubt that the foundation of being a great yoga teacher is being a great yoga student (Teacher Quotes)
The kind of teacher who is afraid that they are going to be replaced by a computer should be (Teacher Quotes)
A very wise old teacher once said: I consider a day’s teaching wasted if we do not all have one hearty laugh (Teacher Quotes)
I’m a teacher. A teacher is someone who leads. There is no magic here. I do not walk on water. I do not part the sea. I just love children (Teacher Quotes)
The wise teacher knows that 55 minutes of work plus 5 minutes laughter are worth twice as much as 60 minutes of unvaried work (Teacher Quotes)
Even fairly good students, when they have obtained the solution of the problem and written down neatly the argument, shut their books and look for something else. Doing so, they miss an important and instructive phase of the work... A good teacher should understand and impress on his students the view that no problem whatever is completely exhausted (Teacher Quotes)
I once knew an otherwise excellent teacher who compelled his students to perform all their demonstrations with incorrect figures, on the theory that it was the logical connection of the concepts, not the figure, that was essential (Teacher Quotes)
One of the first and foremost duties of the teacher is not to give his students the impression that mathematical problems have little connection with each other, and no connection at all with anything else. We have a natural opportunity to investigate the connections of a problem when looking back at its solution (Teacher Quotes)
Science is a magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endangers its cargo (Teacher Quotes)
The best person able to appraise promise as a mathematician is a gifted teacher, and not a professional tester (Teacher Quotes)
The teacher can seldom afford to miss the questions: What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition? The student should consider the principal parts of the problem attentively, repeatedly, and from from various sides (Teacher Quotes)
The teacher manages to get along still with the cumbersome algebraic analysis, in spite of its difficulties and imperfections, and avoids the smooth infinitesimal calculus, although the eighteenth century shyness toward it had long lost all point (Teacher Quotes)