Teacher Quotes
Text Quotes
I was the one that was always dancing and got along with everybody, but I also spoke my mind. If I didn’t agree with something the teacher would say, I’d tell her, so I would get in trouble for things like that. I’ve always been a good/bad boy. (Teacher Quotes)
I have taught some master classes and things at my alma mater and sometimes at my kids’ school. I will go in and talk to the theater students. I wouldn’t really call myself a teacher. (Teacher Quotes)
A friend of mine said, no matter what I do I always look like an English teacher. She actually said, you still look like a Campbell’s Soup kid. (Teacher Quotes)
I didn’t know you were having a hard time. I really am unqualified to be a teacher. Hurting you there...I’m really sorry. (Teacher Quotes)
I am pretty involved with everything that goes on, and overtime have learned a lot about the business side of things. I have an amazing manager, who understands the business really well, so he is a great teacher. (Teacher Quotes)
If you love dance and you have the gift of teaching, teaching is super amazing and important because my teachers planted that seed in me. As a teacher you understand the difference or the definition of a Baryshnikov or a Gregory Hines, so teaching is really important and very necessary. (Teacher Quotes)
I went to a school called Tring Park School for the Performing Arts. I went because initially I was very naughty, and my mom thought if I was busy, I’d be better. And I didn’t really do acting until later on in the school, with an amazing teacher. I left, went traveling, came back. (Teacher Quotes)
There was only one elective at my college for acting, but thank God for that elective because we had a great teacher who introduced me to the Meisner technique for acting. Once I read that book, I said, ‘Wow, if I could do that and have that honest moment on stage, that would be amazing.’ (Teacher Quotes)
My first plays were amazingly bad, but I had a teacher who thought I had promise, and he kept working with me. I finally went to a summer workshop before my senior year with people like Sam Shepard and Maria Irene Fornes who encouraged me to write from my subconscious, and suddenly all this material about culture clash came out. (Teacher Quotes)
I learned by watching my favorite shows. I would just rewind and say the words back, until they sounded right to me. I never studied the American accent, in terms of getting a teacher or taking phonetics classes. I’ve always been a good mimic. It really wasn’t that hard for me. (Teacher Quotes)
My mom was a history teacher, so I couldn’t really avoid history when I was growing up. But we’re very light on American history. We don’t really have great opportunities to study both the Civil War and the Revolution. (Teacher Quotes)
This is what an excellent teacher does; he does not follow his disciples’ fancy everywhere, but leads them to his own mind, and pulls up the thorns, and then puts the seed in, and does not answer at once in all cases to the questions put to him. (Teacher Quotes)
You learn calmness from the lake; you learn power from the ocean waves; you learn goodness from the trees! Look around you! You are surrounded by the most excellent teachers of nature! If you can be an excellent student, then you will rise to be an excellent teacher! (Teacher Quotes)
I had an excellent math and physics teacher in high school named T.C. Patel, and in the university, I had truly dedicated professors in both physics and mathematics who gave me a sound foundation with which to pursue graduate studies. (Teacher Quotes)
Excellent instruction is less about what a teacher does and more about what students can do and know as a result of the lesson. (Teacher Quotes)
Knowledge-like the sky- is never private property. No teacher has a right to withhold it from anyone who asks for it. Teaching is the art of sharing. (Teacher Quotes)
My father, Oliver Hynes, was an educator. He was originally just a teacher, a very good one, but then he was promoted to be in charge of education for the entire area. He was always an inspirational teacher. He was my big personal supporter, always coming here for the Tony Awards. My mother, Carmel, was a homemaker. (Teacher Quotes)
Learning is a process of mutual discovery for teacher and pupil. Keep an open mind to their unexpected responses. (Teacher Quotes)
My ancient history teacher, Millie Lloyd, should have worn a medal for her performance at the battle of Thermopylae. She was excited and we were excited. (Teacher Quotes)
According to an article on, a new study says people who are bad kissers don’t get laid. Where are you supposed to learn how to kiss? If you go to Catholic school, it’s from your priest; in public school, you learn from your teacher; and some guys learn from their sisters... if their sister is Angelina Jolie. (Teacher Quotes)
Often, in the student’s confusion, she or he directs anger at the teacher, blaming them for the pain they are experiencing, or for their own mistakes. (Teacher Quotes)
The Seeker, The Teacher and The Genius:Knowing is an art; communicating that knowledge is art twice over; but it is only the genius who can use that knowledge. (Teacher Quotes)
People go into cartooning because they’re shy and they’re angry. That’s when you’re sitting in the back of a classroom drawing the teacher. (Teacher Quotes)
You know, a lot of those angry sort of Southern man characters that I’ve been doing are based on different people I might’ve had as, like, a soccer coach or as a teacher. (Teacher Quotes)
At school, I’d refuse to take part in biology lessons when animals were being dissected. One time, the teacher announced that we would be gassing worms. So I ran around the room, gathered up all the worms and set them free in the fields. I just loved animals and couldn’t bear the thought of them suffering. (Teacher Quotes)
Art owes its origin to Nature herself... this beautiful creation, the world, supplied the first model, while the original teacher was that divine intelligence which has not only made us superior to the other animals, but like God Himself, if I may venture to say it. (Teacher Quotes)
I don’t know anybody who said, ‘I love that teacher, he or she gave a really good homework set,’ or ‘Boy, that was the best class I ever took because those exams were awesome.’ That’s not what people want to talk about. It’s not what influences people in one profession or another. (Teacher Quotes)
When I go to bed at night, I ask God to give me another day; I ask him to keep me strong and make me a good teacher and to keep spreading this right word. (Teacher Quotes)
Instead of five hundred thousand average algebra teachers, we need one good algebra teacher. We need that teacher to create software, videotape themselves, answer questions, let your computer or the iPad teach algebra... The hallmark of any good technology is that it destroys jobs. (Teacher Quotes)
My father was a professor of folklore, and my mother was a teacher until she was married. I had a good relationship with them, and the only argument we had was when I went to university and wanted to go into the theater instead of studying to be a lawyer. (Teacher Quotes)