Teachers Quotes

Text Quotes
Most teachers are not enlightened. Very few are. That doesn’t mean they are not great teachers (Teachers Quotes)
There is obstruction. Enlightenment is not very popular in this world. History tells us that enlightened teachers who made themselves largely available to human beings had problems (Teachers Quotes)
The person who helps you is the person who aids you in becoming independent and strong. Good teachers don’t answer your questions, they ask you questions (Teachers Quotes)
Some teachers are extremely inaccessible. They feel their teachings are for very few so they make it intentionally hard to get to themselves (Teachers Quotes)
There are some teachers who just perform miracles. They can manifest things from the other world into this world. They have siddha powers. They are not necessarily enlightened (Teachers Quotes)
Some people see teachers and they associate the feelings of the other students who are present with the teacher. They psychically connect with all those hundreds of minds and they don’t key to the teacher at all (Teachers Quotes)
Enlightened teachers get all sorts of assignments. Sometimes we end up in the higher astral; sometimes we end up in the realm of pure spirit; sometimes we end up in the desire realms. Sometimes we go down to the lower astral to teach, you don’t really teach there, you just sort of are, because everybody is confused (Teachers Quotes)
Meditate on enlightenment. Read the exploits of the great teachers, the great saints. They’ll inspire you. Their power is there (Teachers Quotes)
Both of my parents are actually music teachers. I think I got to a certain age where I decided I’d rather be a baseball player than a musician. Now, like most kids, I regret it (Teachers Quotes)
Maybe I was just flirting with madness the way I flirted with my teachers and my classmates (Teachers Quotes)
Be versed in ancient lore, and familiarize yourself with the modern; then may you become teachers (Teachers Quotes)
If everyone will try to understand the core of his own religion and adhere to it, and will not allow false teachers to dictate to him, there will be no room left for quarrelling (Teachers Quotes)
There are many things in life that you feel you need such as television, magazines, teachers telling that you have to make money and be successful, but if you have some kind of hope, something to hold onto, then all this will no longer be important. If you can make your next day better than the previous one, then you will see what it really means something to you and not everything that people think you need for your life (Teachers Quotes)
I taught myself to read music at a very young age, so when I started to take lessons in school, the teachers used to give me other instruments to keep me busy, because I was more advanced than the other kids (Teachers Quotes)
Sex education, including its spiritual aspects, should be part of a broad health and moral education from kindergarten through grade twelve, ideally carried out harmoniously by parents and teachers (Teachers Quotes)
Listen to advice from people who have been there and done that. It is so hard to believe that when you are young, but parents, mentors, teachers, they can all be so valuable when it comes to advice (Teachers Quotes)
If you’re lucky you find your way into a spiritual community and you start to find the great teachers of all the ages who said the same thing. There’s only love, you’re made of love (Teachers Quotes)
The objective of false prophets and teachers of whatever stripe is...the influence and control of the minds of men (Teachers Quotes)
It is sinful for students to badmouth their teachers and sinful for teachers to mislead their students (Teachers Quotes)
The librarians that I’ve spoken to, the teachers and the librarians who really care and do advise parents and children of what’s good and what’s out there, they are very special. They have a kind of wisdom that a lot of people don’t have (Teachers Quotes)
For centuries, we were taught that anger is bad. Our parents, teachers, priests, everyone taught us how to control and suppress our anger. But I ask: why can’t we convert our anger for the larger good of society? (Teachers Quotes)
I’ve been very fortunate because many of the teachers I had were exceptional. But I didn’t realize that at the time that all teachers were not alike (Teachers Quotes)
I studied with a number of different teachers. But really, I’ve never studied with teachers. To be honest, the only thing that’s ever interested me in life is eternity. Nothing else makes any sense to me (Teachers Quotes)
I am very interested in the enlightenment of women. Very few teachers of advanced self discovery work with women, and if they do it’s usually in a very second handed way. They treat women as second class citizens (Teachers Quotes)
Many spiritual teachers have done this. They have disbanded their whole community because everyone got angry. The karma, at a certain point, has to go back to the person; it’s intensified and hurts them spiritually (Teachers Quotes)
Some people harbor the idea or belief that all teachers should teach for free. Obviously these people have never been teachers, particularly in the twentieth century. Teaching meditation is a very expensive hobby (Teachers Quotes)
Think about the world you want to live and work in. What do you need to know to build the world? Demand that your teachers teach you that (Teachers Quotes)
All the sutras in the world are useless. All the lectures of all the teachers don’t really mean anything. They are only words. They point in a direction, that is their only use (Teachers Quotes)
A lot of energy is lost to false teachers. Wherever dependency is created, energy is lost (Teachers Quotes)
In a better world, science teachers would teach creationism along with evolution as an exercise in critical thinking (Teachers Quotes)