Teachers Quotes

Text Quotes
Too often, teachers assume that they are introducing a book or concept to students for the first time. In fact, many units are repeated over the course of a student’s K-12 experience. (Teachers Quotes)
I believe that curiosity, wonder and passion are defining qualities of imaginative minds and great teachers; that restlessness and discontent are vital things; and that intense experience and suffering instruct us in ways that less intense emotions can never do. (Teachers Quotes)
I’ve tried to handle winning well, so that maybe we’ll win again, but I’ve also tried to handle failure well. If those serve as good examples for teachers and kids, then I hope that would be a contribution I have made to sport. Not just basketball, but to sport. (Teachers Quotes)
My best teachers were mess, failure, death, mistakes, and the people I hated, including myself (Teachers Quotes)
Failures and mistakes are definitely the greatest teachers to all great minds (Teachers Quotes)
For eager teachers seized my youth, pruned my faith and trimmed my fire. Showed me the high, white star of truth, there bade me gaze and there aspire. (Teachers Quotes)
False teachers invite people to come to the Master’s table because of what’s on it, not because they love the Master. (Teachers Quotes)
The word of God is complete, and those who don’t preach the word in its fullness are false teachers. (Teachers Quotes)
There is a kind of misguided pity that deals gently with false teachers at the expense of their victims. (Teachers Quotes)
Many of my family members are teachers in the arts, and I picked up the camera years ago, in high school. (Teachers Quotes)
Make no mistake about it: Next to parents and families, our teachers are the most important influence in our children’s lives. (Teachers Quotes)
What is a coach? We are teachers. Educators. We have the same obligations as all teachers, except we probably have more influence over young people than anybody but their families. And, in a lot of cases, more than their families. (Teachers Quotes)
You aren’t accountable to anyone, teachers or family but to yourself. Make sure your surrounding s are clean in all aspects (Teachers Quotes)
As my father-in-law once said, when they talk about taxes it’s always for teachers, firemen, and police - but when they spend your taxes, it always seems to go to some guy in a leather chair downtown you never heard of. (Teachers Quotes)
Audiences of critical thinkers are my favorite kinds of audiences. There are jokes I tell in the show that don’t get laughs unless I am in front of an audience of critical thinkers. Put me in front of a crowd of science teachers or astronauts! The guileless aren’t our audience - it’s the critical thinkers we love. (Teachers Quotes)
I learned to fly planes at fifteen years old because one of my teachers thought I’d be a better pilot than rapper. (Teachers Quotes)
There are phony teachers who profess all kinds of things, and I think you will figure out real fast who they are. They just don’t feel right. (Teachers Quotes)
If you’re lucky you find your way into a spiritual community and you start to find the great teachers of all the ages who said the same thing. There’s only love, you’re made of love. (Teachers Quotes)
I think higher ed in the U.S. is fairly healthy, and by global standards it dominates, and it makes people more productive. But a lot of our K-12 is a disaster. And the single most important reform would just be to fire the worst ten or 15 percent of teachers in the lot, and we would have massive improvements. (Teachers Quotes)
I’d never been a teacher before, and here I was starting my first day with these eager students. There was a shortage of teachers, and they had been without a math teacher for six months. They were so excited to learn math. (Teachers Quotes)
It’s weird when you hear teachers call each other by their first names. It’s like they’re friends or something. (Teachers Quotes)
The teachers liked me. In grade school, they make you copy pictures from books. I think the first one was Robert Louis Stevenson. (Teachers Quotes)
Oh, it’s the first big thing I’ve really done. My first job out of college was working with Steven Soderbergh. I was telling my acting teachers, I did it, you guys! (Teachers Quotes)
My first reaction every time I delve into an episode of history that I don’t know very much about is... my first reaction is anger that my teachers never taught me about it. (Teachers Quotes)
I had great English teachers in high school who first piqued my interest in Shakespeare. Each year, we read a different play - ‘Othello,’ ‘Julius Caesar,’ ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Hamlet’ - and I was the nerd in class who would memorize soliloquies just for the fun of it. (Teachers Quotes)
With a project like Teachers Lounge, you’re wearing a lot of hats, so it demands hard work and focus if you want to do it right. (Teachers Quotes)
I’ve focused on making sure we have talented teachers and principals in our schools through proposals like the GREAT Teachers and Principals Act and the Presidential Teachers Corps. (Teachers Quotes)
You can’t just pillory the teachers unions and sound the free market trumpet. We must visit the failing schools. We must talk to the mother who desperately wants more for her child and offer a constructive way out. We can’t simply lambaste... food stamps or decry dependency. (Teachers Quotes)
In my school, people liked the gym teachers because they were the football or soccer coaches. But look, if they’re cool, they get respect. (Teachers Quotes)
The footballers’ wives I know, they’re teachers, midwives. They want to do something useful. One is working at my son’s nursery, on her hands and knees, in Converse and jeans, teaching kids to count. (Teachers Quotes)