Teachers Quotes

Text Quotes
I loved putting on stories as plays when I was just six. I was the director, the actress and the set designer; I cast my girlfriends in parts, and I suggested to the local kindergarten teachers that we do free performances for the children. (Teachers Quotes)
Teaching methods are often inadequate for the goals faculties are trying to achieve. Important courses such as expository writing and foreign languages are frequently taught by untrained graduate students and underpaid adjunct teachers. (Teachers Quotes)
San Diego shaped me a lot. The visual landscapes, the emotional panoramas, the teachers and mentors I had from the third grade through San Diego High - it’s all a big part of the poetry fountain that I continue to drink from. (Teachers Quotes)
Children, of course, don’t understand at first that they are being cheated. They come to school with a degree of faith and optimism, and they often seem to thrive during the first few years. It is sometimes not until the third grade that their teachers start to see the warning signs of failure. By the fourth grade many children see it too. (Teachers Quotes)
Connie Heermann is a Freedom Writer teacher. I believe she represents the best of what dedicated teachers can be because she chose to serve her students, not her school board. (Teachers Quotes)
For my success I am immensely grateful to God, my parents, my family, my friends, my teachers and to the books I read. (Teachers Quotes)
I feel friendship towards philosophers, but towards sophists, teachers of literature, or any other such kind of godforsaken people, I neither feel friendship now, nor may I ever do so in the future. (Teachers Quotes)
I know what it’s like to have a dream. I know what it’s like to roll the dice and say, ‘I’m going to go after this thing,’ and nothing turns my stomach quicker than acting teachers or acting schools that look at a bunch of dreamers and say, ‘We can help,’ when they know full well that they can’t. (Teachers Quotes)
The only good teachers for you are those friends who love you, who think you are interesting, or very important, or wonderfully funny. (Teachers Quotes)
Study, find all the good teachers and study with them, get involved in acting to act, not to be famous or for the money. Do plays. It’s not worth it if you are just in it for the money. You have to love it. (Teachers Quotes)
A lot of children, like I did, move away from words because of the fear - which is something you have to take out of education: the fear of worrying about what marks you’ll get, detention, worrying about letting people down, your parents, teachers. (Teachers Quotes)
We should be individualizing instruction, utilizing that data to actually give teachers the tools necessary to meet the needs of a very diverse group of kids which exists in every class. (Teachers Quotes)
All the great teachers have left a similar message: Go within, discover your invisible higher self and know God as the love that is within you. (Teachers Quotes)
The poem ‘What Teachers Make’ is not without its detractors. This one person wrote to me and said: ‘Gee, Mr. Mali. You don’t possibly have a teacher-God complex, do you?’ And that was the first time I’d ever heard of that expression. So, yeah, I’m sure I have a teacher-God complex. (Teachers Quotes)
The most important knowledge teachers need to do good work is a knowledge of how students are experiencing learning and perceiving their teacher’s actions. (Teachers Quotes)
Perhaps teachers must be good actors where lessons are concerned, but in life outside the class, we mustn’t hide from our pupils our individual spirits. (Teachers Quotes)
Great artists make the roads; good teachers and good companions can point them out. But there ain’t no free rides, baby. (Teachers Quotes)
We want to prove we are good writers or good business, good parents or good teachers. The world is very competitive and catches us in this frenzy. It wants us to go here, be there, and be part of this or that. (Teachers Quotes)
Academic achievement was something I’d always sought as a form of reward. Good grades pleased my parents, good grades pleased my teachers; you got them in order to sew up approval. (Teachers Quotes)
I was always the class clown, although many teachers view the class clown as a trouble maker. But I always had good grades, so the only thing my parents were told was that while I was intelligent, I talked too much. (Teachers Quotes)
Good teachers must inspire children to work hard - make projects and give them good marks even if genuine projects look crude and unprofessional. (Teachers Quotes)
Parents - and teachers too - are woefully short-sighted when they try to protect the child from his mistakes, when they make the right answer more important than the quest for knowledge and good judgment. For what is not learned within one’s self cannot be learned from another. (Teachers Quotes)
My teacher told me I’d never amount to anything. I left high school at 15, after one year. But my real teachers were all the people around me. And I was a good listener. (Teachers Quotes)
I do believe that everyone growing up faces differential opportunities. With me, it was books and travel and some good teachers. (Teachers Quotes)
I think Buddhism is a wonderful philosophy. I’ve had the good fortune to meet many wonderful teachers from that society. (Teachers Quotes)
The person who helps you is the person who aids you in becoming independent and strong. Good teachers don’t answer your questions, they ask you questions. (Teachers Quotes)
You can have great teachers, but if you don’t have a good principal, you won’t have a good school. (Teachers Quotes)
I was a good student, but a speech impediment was causing problems. One of my teachers decided that I couldn’t pronounce certain words at all. She thought that if I wrote something, I would use words I could pronounce. I began writing little poems. I began to write short stories, too. (Teachers Quotes)
Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. (Teachers Quotes)
It’s not about where you were born or where you come from that makes you a good scientist. What you need are good teachers, co-students, facilities. (Teachers Quotes)