Teaching Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a good thing to learn the truth one’s self. To first believe with all your heart, and then not to believe, is good too. It fattens the emotions and makes them to stretch. When as a woman life and people disappoint her, she will have had practice in disappointment and it will not come so hard. In teaching your child do not forget that suffering is good too. It makes a person rich in character (Teaching Quotes)
He was teaching me how to die, just as he’d taught me how to live (Teaching Quotes)
New teachers were just a part of life, for a few days after one arrived, squawks of interest were emitted from various corners, but then they died away as the teacher was absorbed like everyone else... before you knew it, the fresh ones seemed to have been teaching there forever too, or else they didn’t last very long, and were gone before you’d gotten to know them (Teaching Quotes)
I hope that schools have changed since I was a little girl. My memory of the teaching of the public schools is that it showed the brutal incomprehension of children (Teaching Quotes)
Is the beauty myth good to men? It hurts them by teaching them how to avoid loving women. It prevents men from actually seeing women. It does not, contrary to its own professed ideology, stimulate and gratify sexual longing. In suggesting a vision in place of a woman, it has a numbing effect, reducing all senses but the visual, and impairing even that (Teaching Quotes)
I love teaching. It’s a job that lasts forever. Whatever you teach children today travels with them far into the future (Teaching Quotes)
You know that I don’t believe that anyone has ever taught anything to anyone. I question that efficacy of teaching. The only thing that I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat (Teaching Quotes)
The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others (Teaching Quotes)
Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another (Teaching Quotes)
The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all students as if they were variants of the same individual and thus to feel justified in teaching them all the same subjects the same way (Teaching Quotes)
It has been said that the essence of teaching is causing another to know. It may similarly be said that the essence of training is causing another to do. Teaching gives knowledge. Training gives skill. Teaching fills the mind. Training shapes the habits. Teaching brings to the child that which he did not have before. Training enables a child to make use of that which is already his possession (Teaching Quotes)
Nothing enrages me more than when people criticize my criticism of school by telling me that schools are not just places to learn maths and spelling, they are places where children learn a vaguely defined thing called socialization... I think schools generally do an effective and terribly damaging job of teaching children to be infantile, dependent, intellectually dishonest, passive and disrespectful to their own developmental capacities (Teaching Quotes)
A very wise old teacher once said: I consider a day’s teaching wasted if we do not all have one hearty laugh (Teaching Quotes)
One of the biggest things that needs to change is the educational system. Universities are still teaching a system to students that destroys the biosphere (Teaching Quotes)
Our school systems teach our children that they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some primordial soup of mud, by teaching evolution as fact (Teaching Quotes)
Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is some kind of learning going on, some kind of teaching. We are all pupils and we are all teachers (Teaching Quotes)
Why is it that when we had rotary phones, when we were having folks being crippled by polio, that we were teaching the same way then that we’re doing right now? (Teaching Quotes)
Teaching kids how to feed themselves and how to live in a community responsibly is the center of an education (Teaching Quotes)
To improve our schools, we have to humanize them and make education personal to every student and teacher in the system. Education is always about relationships. Great teachers are not just instructors and test administrators. They are mentors, coaches, motivators, and lifelong sources of inspiration to their students. Teaching is an art form. Great teachers know they have to cultivate curiosity, passion and creativity in their students (Teaching Quotes)
You must be sure that you give back something that’s beneficial to the game. Any of the teaching you do must be for the benefit of the men who play (Teaching Quotes)
Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives (Teaching Quotes)
Anticipate charity by preventing poverty; assist the reduced fellow man, either by a considerable gift or a sum of money or by teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. This is the highest step and summit of charity’s golden ladder (Teaching Quotes)
Man does not limit himself to seeing; he thinks and insists on learning the meaning of phenomena whose existence has been revealed to him by observation. So he reasons, compares facts, puts questions to them, and by the answers which he extracts, tests one by another. This sort of control, by means of reasoning and facts, is what constitutes experiment, properly speaking; and it is the only process that we have for teaching ourselves about the nature of things outside us (Teaching Quotes)
When introduced at the wrong time or place, good logic may be the worst enemy of good teaching (Teaching Quotes)
To eliminate the discrepancy between men’s plans and the results achieved, a new approach is necessary. Morphological thinking suggests that this new approach cannot be realized through increased teaching of specialized knowledge. This morphological analysis suggests that the essential fact has been overlooked that every human is potentially a genius. Education and dissemination of knowledge must assume a form which allows each student to absorb whatever develops his own genius, lest he become frustrated. The same outlook applies to the genius of the peoples as a whole (Teaching Quotes)
Horrible events in life serve as catalysts for major changes in our life perspective and as teaching tools for helping others (Teaching Quotes)
The field of scientific abstraction encompasses independent kingdoms of ideas and of experiments and within these, rulers whose fame outlasts the centuries. But they are not the only kings in science. He also is a king who guides the spirit of his contemporaries by knowledge and creative work, by teaching and research in the field of applied science, and who conquers for science provinces which have only been raided by craftsmen (Teaching Quotes)
What borders on the criminal is the poor teaching and neglect of those subjects that deal with the history of ideas and ideals, a knowledge of which is essential to all youth who would assume their place in society as thinking, feeling human beings (Teaching Quotes)
Science is teaching man to know and reverence truth, and to believe that only so far as he knows and loves it can he live worthily on earth, and vindicate the dignity of his spirit (Teaching Quotes)
To teach kids that creationism explains something about the world is no different than teaching them that the earth is flat (Teaching Quotes)