Teaching Quotes
Text Quotes
The flies were teaching an advanced seminar in philosophy as they crawled up the crack of my ass (Teaching Quotes)
As with many teens, my first jobs included babysitting and mopping floors at McDonald’s. Since then, I’ve held jobs a diverse as selling used cars, selling apparel, cosmetics, and real-estate, substitute-teaching six graders, teaching undergraduate creative writing, and working as an editorial assistant for a literary magazine. (Teaching Quotes)
I take a real interest in the possibilities of teaching - including the practice of bringing creative writing, and serious reading, into the classroom. I am persuaded that since language is alive, much of the challenge has already been met by the poets and novelists we read. (Teaching Quotes)
I wonder whether there has been too much emphasis on teaching women to conform, to fit into the system. Certainly that suits conservative organizations in conservative times. But now ... innovation and creativity are necessary. (Teaching Quotes)
?Teachers matter. So instead of bashing them, or defending the status quo, let’s offer schools a deal. Give them the resources to keep good teachers on the job, and reward the best ones. In return, grant schools flexibility: To teach with creativity and passion; to stop teaching to the test; and to replace teachers who just aren’t helping kids learn. (Teaching Quotes)
What we have done with No Child Left Behind is squeeze the creativity out of the classroom because teachers have begun to just teaching to the test. (Teaching Quotes)
Teaching is a very habit-bound endeavor. We’re unsettled by the unfamiliar. We’re creatures of habit too. (Teaching Quotes)
I’ve been teaching classes on memoirs since 1986, and I’ve been reading them all my life, and I think that I would like to write a critical book that might have some of those how-to elements in it. (Teaching Quotes)
I’ve made some films for the military that are teaching things like cultural awareness and leadership issues, that sort of stuff. And try to, in essence, look at what training they’re doing and say, ‘This is how you can improve the training from a humanistic point of view.’ (Teaching Quotes)
When you see that 76 percent of teachers are female, I think you have to acknowledge that there’s a cultural bias, and it does date back to this nineteenth century idea that teaching is a form of mothering. (Teaching Quotes)
Teaching is the rare profession where the customer isn’t always right and needs to be told so appropriately. (Teaching Quotes)
My mother played the piano and my father the violin, I can remember my dad teaching me how to waltz; I had my feet on his, my mother playing the piano, and my husband will tell you the lessons weren’t very successful. (Teaching Quotes)
According to my parents, I just started drumming when I was two. I traveled with them from five to seven on the road, playing percussion. Between 8 and 12, my dad sort of prepared me by teaching me every aspect of road life. (Teaching Quotes)
This is less teaching than damage control. You may as well paint a house that’s on fire. (Teaching Quotes)
Mr. Balanchine wanted me to be myself. He didn’t want me to look like anyone else. I love teaching our company dancers the Balanchine ballets. I try to give them what was passed down to me and what I learned from him. They dance it so beautifully. It also keeps me close to Mr. Balanchine. He’s with me every single day. (Teaching Quotes)
Every spiritual teaching points to the possibility of the end of suffering - Now. It is true that most teachers have had to go through the Dark Night of the Soul, although for one or two it was very, very quick. (Teaching Quotes)
But these days there are a lot of younger people who would like to go into teaching but don’t because the economic opportunities are sometimes elsewhere. (Teaching Quotes)
My other work, teaching, also is satisfying because I can be with people but in controlled circumstances, which aren’t as likely to yield the pain of dealing with family. (Teaching Quotes)
A disciple...can never imitate his guide’s steps. You have your own way of living your life, of dealing with problems, and of winning. Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. (Teaching Quotes)
Are we allowing individuals to develop their talents with our current teaching methods? Is there more or maybe less we should be doing? (Teaching Quotes)
Marshall Rosenberg has a genius for developing and teaching practical skills urgently needed for a less violent, more caring world. (Teaching Quotes)
If I lead the field in any way, it is in the area of curricula development, study guides and other teaching materials. (Teaching Quotes)
Devotion to God is studying him in every aspect; serving God is teaching what you know of Him to others. (Teaching Quotes)
Just so that we are clear on this, I am in favour of teaching children about different beliefs. I am not in favour of indoctrinating them in any particular belief, including my own: these issues should be presented as beliefs, not as fact. (Teaching Quotes)
Every day, whether I am teaching or entertaining - I absolutely love bringing different people and cultures together. (Teaching Quotes)
Family home evening is more for the purpose of teaching values and gospel principles, displaying talents and enjoying different kinds of family fun and activities. (Teaching Quotes)
In the teaching of geography and history a sympathetic understanding (should) be fostered for the characteristics of the different peoples of the world, especially for those who we are in the habit of describing as primitive. (Teaching Quotes)
I mean really wonderful. In teaching. Personal epiphanies. About life. About different perspectives-help with different perspectives that you have. You know what I mean? Relationships to nature. Relationships with the self. With other people. With events. (Teaching Quotes)
I’m now doing three things: concerts, conducting, and teaching, and they each support each other. I learn to see things from different perspectives and listen with different ears. The most important thing that you need to do is really listen. (Teaching Quotes)
I’ve heard a number of our alumni - people who are running schools and school systems - think a lot about different models for the teaching profession. (Teaching Quotes)