Teaching Quotes
Text Quotes
I was born in Mexico because my father was teaching at a school in Mexico City. I was born during the third year he was there. And when I was 16, I returned to Mexico to learn Spanish. (Teaching Quotes)
Throughout my life, I have talked to Heavenly Father regularly through prayer. I am very grateful to my parents for teaching me that Heavenly Father lives and that He always listens to us. He listens to me, and He listens to you. I know that He will always be there for you. (Teaching Quotes)
The most powerful teaching a child will ever receive will come from concerned and righteous fathers and mothers. (Teaching Quotes)
Why I find Louis Brandeis so exciting and inspiring because he’s teaching us - good legal writing is not a matter of taste, it’s a matter of connection with fellow citizens and of democratic education. (Teaching Quotes)
The truth is, a man can choose to objectify a woman whether she’s wearing a bikini or a burqa. We don’t stop lust by covering up the female form; we stop lust by teaching men to treat women as human beings worthy of respect. (Teaching Quotes)
Life doesn’t change when you meet a guy and life doesn’t fall apart when you break up with one. We are teaching young female readers the wrong things through books not only expressing this point, but also using these two concepts as turning plot points of novels. (Teaching Quotes)
...the institutional arrangement whereby most professional economists are heavily burdened with teaching and administrative duties may militate against a sufficient admixture of the more laborious forms of statistical and field work. (Teaching Quotes)
I’d love to go back and teach primary school. I used to teach fourth grade and fifth grade. I’d love to spend several years teaching kindergarten or maybe third grade. (Teaching Quotes)
Now’s the time to teach your 5-year-old kid about financing. If they can add, I suggest that you start teaching them about saving that money. And how their money can add up in the future. I think the more you prepare your children for the future, the better off they’ll be. (Teaching Quotes)
Saying that financial literacy means diversification is just another example of the fox teaching the chickens. (Teaching Quotes)
If I had my choice, every high school would be teaching financial literacy along with math and science. (Teaching Quotes)
More important than finding the teacher is finding and following the truth of the teaching.... (Teaching Quotes)
We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up. (Teaching Quotes)
I worked for a while as a teaching assistant while I was struggling. I really enjoyed it, working with kids with special needs, autism. It takes a hell of a lot of concentration, and you’ve got to focus on the child properly for seven hours a day. (Teaching Quotes)
Writing essays and teaching composition have helped me immensely in writing poetry, because they’ve forced me to focus on the structure of ideas. (Teaching Quotes)
I’m focusing on healing lives and teaching people that they can heal - giving them tools to heal. (Teaching Quotes)
I saw an advertisement to work for a Swedish institute in Karachi in Pakistan. I had just been offered a permanent assignment, teaching in Oulu. But I felt, ‘My God, I am not going to stay here forever.’ You know why? Because I was following international events. (Teaching Quotes)
The footballers’ wives I know, they’re teachers, midwives. They want to do something useful. One is working at my son’s nursery, on her hands and knees, in Converse and jeans, teaching kids to count. (Teaching Quotes)
Teaching methods are often inadequate for the goals faculties are trying to achieve. Important courses such as expository writing and foreign languages are frequently taught by untrained graduate students and underpaid adjunct teachers. (Teaching Quotes)
To the teacher weighed down with paperwork, I say: you’ve been messed around too often. You came into teaching to spend your time teaching children not filling in forms. (Teaching Quotes)
Four things will shame the students of knowledge: Criticizing people, praising themselves, not teaching the knowledge,and not practicing what they know. (Teaching Quotes)
Government provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology. (Teaching Quotes)
What they have been teaching us is wrong. Yes, we do have control over our choices. Why? Because life gave us the freedom to choose. The only downside to this freedom are the insatiable consequences we shall have to face because of the choices we learned to embrace. (Teaching Quotes)
In 1965, I was teaching a seminar on freedom when I told my students that the ultimate freedom lay in casting a dice to decide what to do. They were so shocked and fascinated that I knew I had to write the book. (Teaching Quotes)
You are almost not free, if you are teaching a group of graduate students, to become friends with one of them. I don’t mean anything erotically charged, just a friendship. (Teaching Quotes)
In teaching, I like being able to present clips from movies on VHS or DVD and then talk about them. That’s what this movie is. (Teaching Quotes)
PoemWords from the heartBreaking, teaching, healingThe deepest, purest form of artFeeling (Teaching Quotes)
More often than not, the most effective leaders have been shaped by teaching successfully in high needs classrooms. Because of their experience, they know that it is possible for low-income children to achieve on an absolute scale and understand what we need to do to allow them to fulfill their potential. (Teaching Quotes)
But in the meantime I became accustomed to the writing life and it would be hard to change now - partly because of the salary cut if I went to my other love, teaching; and partly because I still have stories to tell, even though it isn’t all that fun doing the work anymore. (Teaching Quotes)
I have a funny mental framework when I do physics. I create an imaginary audience in my head to explain things to - it is part of the way I think. For me, teaching and explaining, even to my imaginary audience, is part of the process. (Teaching Quotes)